Ms. ArmoredThirteen

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I bought a locker a while back, like the kind you would find in the employee room of a closing bed bath and beyond. It didn’t quite fit as expected so we ended up just tying the back hatch as closed as it could with a single rope and took back roads the whole way home. I don’t think we went above 20mph for fear of the damage this giant steel box would cause if it fell out. Also got a tetanus shot the next day because I managed to rip my hand on its rusted foot. Good times, I love that locker

  • Imagine a grid of cells where the cells have data about which direction you can move through (a wall or an empty space). I typically do this just with x/y axis but it can be expanded to be n-dimensional using all the same concepts. There’s no need to store complete data in every cell though. For instance a cell that has information about if there is a wall in the positive x direction would overlap with its neighbor’s data about if there is a wall in it’s negative x direction. So the cells only need to contain 2 bits of information, for example ‘is there a wall in the positive x axis’ and ‘is there a wall in the positive y axis’, and the information about if there is a wall in the negative x/y axis can be determined by checking the neighbor in that direction. For a 2d maze you can store this info in a bit array and treat it like a 3d array (x axis, y axis, the two walls). Visually a single cell is rendered as a 2x2 but one of the spaces is always a wall, one is always a path, and the other two are the variables. To render a full maze you need to also add an extra containing wall on two of the sides or it’ll look chopped but that’s visual only no data needs to be stored about that. So a maze that is 100x100 ‘choices’ in size would be rendered like a grid that’s 200x200 and take only 1.25kb of memory. Here’s a C++ implementation of this concept using a vector<bool> as the bit data structure. Let me know if you also want pictures of the different steps, completed mazes, or the nonsense you can do by extending it to 3 dimensions to build a nearly impossible to solve maze pyramid in a game

  • I’m fortunate enough that mine is very amicable. No lawyers, we’re splitting everything 50/50, there are a few big things that would make it more complicated in a court but we’re like “no you’re the only one who uses that you get it” kind of stuff. We would have turned in the divorce papers a few weeks ago actually but they’re on my insurance and I didn’t want to kick them until their new job’s insurance takes affect. Even with all this going for us the finances thing took so much work. Can’t imagine what a contested detangling would be like. You’ve got this!

  • Fucking Ambien. I tried it for a week to help with my insomnia and it did not work at all. I would get a little sleepy for about 5 minutes then I was loopy as hell and very active/hyper. At about the 10-15 minute mark my memory would crap out so all the best stories I can’t even recall just what people told me the next day. Things like laying down on a skateboard and scooting around with my hands, sobbing about the small villagers in the bed that we’re going to lose their culture if the blankets got disrupted, searching the house for the blacksmith and winding up talking to my frog about his sword making. Wild stuff. I threw out the rest of the bottle after a few days because if it wasn’t helping me sleep and I couldn’t remember the high what even is the point