BioWarfarePosadist [she/her, they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020

  • Generally I think it revolves around the normalization of really hateful thinking, both outside and within.

    I never got too deep into it, and once /pol/ got overrun with literal Nazis I knew it was over, and it’s when I started distancing myself from it. Reddit was nominally better, and it took me from being this center right a-hole to at least a RadLib.

    I always had an interest in Communism, but it was more “Tankie Aesthetic cool!” Than it was about “We must implement communism as it is the only way to save the world.”

    Since no one ever was able to convince me that the USSR killed 6942002496 people a second, it and the awesomeness of Chapo Trap House eventually got me to where I am now: The only True Leftist.

  • Like there is some history of what can be called colonization in Finland and Japan, with the Ainu in Japan and Sami people in Finland. But like these places resemble ethnostates based more off of geographic and language isolation.

    If Japan spoke English as a second language the same way you see in former British colony states, you can bet your ass that island would be full of immigrants and non-japanese people.

    But it’s an island with a language that is really hard for Westerners to learn.

    Finland is a snowy wasteland most the year, so yeah not a lot of people want to live there, so only the people who have always lived there live there. Finnish is also a hard language for not Scandinavians to learn.

    The other countries are just absolutely pulled out his ass, I think, but again are probably more ethnostate like due to geographic issues and not because some people started colonizing it in the last century and kicked out the modern native population that was living there forever

    1. Get some Fart spray or like liquid fart, or skunk smell.
    2. Figure out a way to spill it on one or more of them while making it seem like an accident.
    3. Smell is really bad and lingers on them all day making what they say seem even more irrelevant (normie Libs don’t like smelly people yelling outside, reminds them of the homeless too much)
    4. Someone will inform security about the smelly, yelling, and possibly homeless guy. Security will waste time on preacher creating less scrutiny on festival goers. Chance preacher gets thrown out for being smelly and yelling.

    Alternatively get the fart spray and just keep spraying it upwind of the preacher without any aersol directly hitting them. Making the area stinky and making it so people are less inclined to approach them. This will help starve them of the attention they want.