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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • “It’s never one thing but more like a pie chart. If we looked at the biggest chunks on the pie chart, they would be the things I outlined and take up the majority of the chart. Hurting Russia is nice, you’re right, but Russia is not a real threat. Other countries don’t need to join NATO. Russia does not have the capacity to properly invade Ukraine, the poorest country in Europe right next to their border. The only real threat Russia has is nuclear weapons, and should Russia start nuking non-NATO countries I don’t think Article 5 is going to matter - the US is going to respond.”

    Russia not a threat? Im sure ukraine disagrees, as with other border nations.

    Russia actual capabilities wernt truly known to be this terrible until they invaded and even what was known wasn’t universal and apparent to everyone.

    Others dont need to join nato? Sure. Until they do. WW3 and European wars seem like a silly concept and then it happens all of a sudden nato looks to be a great deal to get back to that sense of security as well as having a gurantee of that security.

    I view Ukraine war a lot like the Spanish Civil war in 1936. Nice playground to test out new military tech. Nevermind the hundreds of thousands of young men who are going to die or be permanently maimed, Ukraine having their demographics crippled for the next century, and the hundreds of millions of poor across the world who are suffering under rising inflation due to things such as food supply

    Its more like the Korean war with old tech and surplus being used up. While im sure there is new technology to be had the majority of it is all old stuff. From 1960’s to 2000’s

    I agree war in Europe is very “symbolic” but that doesn’t matter in a geopolitical sense. It’s only useful as a propaganda tool in order to justify the eternal prolongation of the above mentioned destruction

    It does matter to every European indvidual. Their personal cognition of history and current values is one where starting WW3 was not a reality they had but now the potential is very real. Im assuming you are american so maybe you dont understand what it means to have a neighbouring country at anytime can roll over your border as well as not having the worlds largest military or police which a single american city can have more then some countries entire armies.

    People do have genuine feelings and reactions. Its not all calculated Patriots string pulling

  • Uh no definitely not the only reason.

    US is buying russia’s defeat and demiliterisation on the cheap.

    EU and US are not always on the same page but on this they are.

    Starting shit in Europe is very personal and very symbolic to western nations as well having the massive precedent of WW2.

    Cold war is great for stable economic MIC growth. Actual war is the opposite especially when other goods and trade is harmed causing inflation and all other economic shenanigans that one would want to avoid outright or from escalating.

    Ukraine and other eastern Europe countries now looking to seek protection of nato with which there are mutliple requirements and conditions for said joining and few of which are core liberal democractic based.

    Its never one thing. Politics is like a never ending game of dominoes where pieces fall and right themselves anywhere and everywhere

  • “I don’t think it was designed by Larian intentionally to be antisemetic, no. Which I said in my first comment. It’s that the trope they used of the “hook-nosed witch” (and that steals babies!) has antisemitic roots. It’s just it’s so engrained in western culture most folks don’t realize at all where the image came from. I don’t at all think Larian did it maliciously or consciously.”

    Its a false conclusion to assume a commonly known ugly trait has only one source especially when other cultures that had no jewish cultural connections have similer concepts. A single charaicacture doesnt have a monopoly on character traits. Especially when mythology like the hag and witches existed before the jewish chararicture existed.

    “And as for where I expected the conversation to go, well, I don’t engage in conversations where someone is being aggressive or completely dismissive of another point of view. It’s a waste of time and I don’t fight with angry randos on the internet. I have better things to do.”

    Yeah thats fair im being fairly dismissive since i find the premise of the argument inherently ridiculous as the only way to come to this conclusion to cherry pick history and ignore everything else. This position is Commonly held by historical revisionists and grivence studies enthusiasts. To put it another way i view people who hold this position to be in the same league as flat earthers and alien conspiracy theorists.

    So you are correct to walk away.