BynarsAreOk [none/use name]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2021

  • If this is a lefty space that is frequently visited by non-leftists, and can be used as a way to persuade them, then we shouldn’t be staking out the hottest possible take and telling people they should be shot if they disagree.

    Hate it to break the news, but to be quite frank, literaly nobody believes this, nobody sees HB like this, certainly if you stick around for long enough you’d have seen the cycles of people coming and going and how discourse changes.

    Believe it or not this site used to be quite a bit more in favor of “harm reduction” in 2020. The current trend you see of complete rejection of Biden is not something that came overnight, even if for some that was Oct 7th, for most others 2o20 was already the compromise. Just go back and look at the trauma people here got from Biden’s handling of COVID.

    That is now part of this site history, “harm reduction” is now a complete and utter shitty joke and a meme as a result.

    So as you can see, nobody now visiting this site believes there will be any discourse with people to the right of us like liberal dems. We did that and the Americans here already got burned from it.

    We welcome liberals and people further to the right if they’re honest about learning and changing, but nobody is under the illusion there is any debate or convincing anyone anymore. We tell Libs can go and eat shit and die, after all its what they told us throughout COVID for example.

  • Every nuclear power monitors each others nuclear assets, there is no credible way the US can say Russia launched a nuke without clear evidence corroborated by every other nuclear power. Its not like Iraq WMD where you can hold a picture and say Russia did it, not an actual fake nuclear attack.

    The US certainly wont use that themselves, I think there are hardliners in the actual military that take MAD somewhat seriously and wouldn’t dare it. Keep in mind if the US detonates a nuke in Ukraine that may cause Russia to think its under nuclear attack themselves and with a few minutes to make a call and a history of close calls throughout the 20th century, this is could just result in Russia nuking the US. I think there is enough “institutional” knowledge in the US military to know its not worth to sacrifice themselves for their “subjects”. Why would the US risk WW3 with Russia to save “temporarily white” Ukrainians?

    Israel is a completely different level because nobody there can retaliate against the US. This has always been the key point.

    So the only alternative is some dirty bomb in Ukraine but Ukraine already tried to attack the ZNPP and at this point they can’t do it even if they wanted to. But if somehow they manage to create something with US assistance it still wont move the needle anywhere.

    Russia still has credible deniability, they have no excuse to use a nuke now that they’re convincingly winning and even lib mainstream admits it. As for Russian leadership they know they’ve won the war and its a matter of time now.

    I don’t believe there is anything that would force them to escalate except an actual NATO intervention.

  • I don’t think liberals care about Ukraine at all anymore.

    Only one thing matters now, the US must not be embarrased again, but this is unlikely in the short term. This is not Afghanistan and Russia will not march onto Kiev and have US diplomats evacuating in a helicopter.

    As long as NATO is not threated they’ll just say something like oh we tried but the primitive dumb Ukrainians couldn’t even figure out how to launch offensives, also most of them didn’t want to fight anyway so they kind of deserve it.

    Everything Trump needs to do is point out the obvious problems with Ukraine

    -Extremely corrupt by EU standards before the war

    -Well known to be run by the same type of oligarchs as Russia next door.

    -Literal Nazis in power.

    -Literaly no elections for 2+ years.

    -Something something Biden’s child.

    Of course Trump wont punch right but at this point maybe I’m wrong here but I’m not sure there are many liberals willing to die on the Ukraine is the bastion of freedom and democracy hail Zelensky shit anymore, not in 2025+. That is more like NAFO territory even.

    Perhaps the small pacifists/naive libs pushing for Israel ceasefire are also kind of tired of Ukraine war too because Ukraine doesn’t have a goal and refuses to negotiate at all. Russia is smart to start putting their demands already btw.

  • The desperate need to always make analogies just to defend Biden is something else. Analogies should only be used if they add something to make understanding the subject easier. But it also assumes the other side is not intelligent enough to understand the subject in the first place.

    You wouldn’t use analogies to explain the newest Quantum mechanics to Einstein. You could use them to introduce them to a person with a poor math/physics background maybe. But at the end you wouldn’t assume the person who “kind of gets it” through an analogy to actualy come out knowing about said topic. You teach an analogy to a kid to help, you don’t make the analogy the entire subject and replace the actual topic.

    So yeah, all these dipshits using analogies are just saying “hey you pathetic manchild that doesn’t understand how democracy is supposed to work, here let me dumb it down for you all why you need to vote for my candidate. So imagine a restaurant menu…”

    What do they expect? A bow and a thank you mr democrat asshole I understand democracy now and will proceed to vote for the person you just told me to. The only response should rather be a punch in their face.

  • The only thing I care about is I’m 100% sure China will be brought in several topics and

    100% Both candidates will call Xi a dictator.

    100% Both will say the US needs to be tougher on China. Trump will remember his “trade war” and call it a great success. Biden will call the Russia related sanctions a great success and both will promise more.

    100% both will say some lipservice BS about protecting “American jobs” and this is why they need to be more racist.

    60% Trump will say he has a great relationship with Xi Kim because he will mix them up.

    75% Xinjiang or “Chinese slave labor/genocide” will be brought up.

    100% Taiwan support for “democracy” will be mentioned and both will support it unconditionally.

    30% Taiwan independence will be brought up specificaly and if the CPC still got any delusions about avoiding a war for Taiwan this should be their wake up call. There wont be any further excuses when literaly both candidates call and promise to support it.

  • If you want a rationalization, I don’t see this as meaningful other than the modern social media context rewards dunking on each other more than any other interaction. It is a constant struggle between people who just love the self-validation from upvotes/karma/likes and those that have social anxiety over being wrong on the internet. Therefore coming out and converting often have significant personal cost(relationships/self-esteem) that is very hard to overcome unless you already have a support group.

    That doesn’t mean people are not moving from one ideology to another or changing their minds, its just that, as you noticed anecdotally people are not sharing that experience anymore.

    That uncle probably realized that even though being a sucdem is far better than anything else in the mainstream, it is not “fullfilling” i.e Bernie is completely onboard with Biden and at this point thinking about Bernie/Dems just funnels you into the current blue-red MAGA.

    Some (one in particular ) openly say it’s because they fell like their opponents have consolidated their base and there’s nobody reachable anymore.

    Yes that is a great change from 2016, there are definitely more people that are just some streamer/YTer fanboy with no ideology now. Don’t mistake those for real politics imo these people are in it for the parasocial relationship, if said random persona suddenly announced he converted to communism they would bring like half their fans along. But again, don’t mistake those for real communists either just because said persona pays lipservice to it. Hasan is a good example.

    How many are “socialists” because of Hasan and how many would stay that way if he changed sides? Spoilers I remember he said he would be incredibly more popular if he embraced the right wing grift so there is that anecdote.

    I do agree that as a means of actual movement building and social change this environment pretty much destroyed any hopes of a socialist movement. I don’t like the same doomer point over and over but at this point our only prospect is balkanization and climate change. I think the way COVID was handled showed all the bad signs leading to towards the bad ending.

  • I don’t know if this comment is serious or not, I don’t realy think George was that competent and able to “metagame” like that. He probably just wanted to appeal to kids because he knew the OG fans were too old and likely poor and if SW is to survive in the long term it would need a bigger multimedia platform and a much younger audience. He just failed for many reasons.

    But in case this is serious, this also isn’t entirely wrong, perhaps it is true because sadly this is exactly the same attitude from CBS wrt Star Trek. It is known at every opportunity that despite JJ/Kurtzman paying modest lipservice to the old Trek the fact is the writing room and producers all absolutely hate and loathed old Trek and the old fans.

    They constantly pat themselves on the back for being the science show, the rainbow inclusiveness hope BS show etc. All while completely ignoring that old Trek did that 30-50 years ago and they demand you praise them for it. “Oh no people don’t like nuTrek? Must be MAGA chuds!”. Basicaly r/startrek is how the producers see themselves.

    So yeah, maybe George did have that sort of contempt for old fans, I don’t doubt it.

  • Why would anyone give Biden credit for the supposed autonomous Fed economic policy? The consequences of that policy are obvious here yes, but I don’t think anyone is thinking the Fed/Powell would ever take words from either of these idiots.

    Also you severely underestimate Trump’s tax cuts, it was the first time Billionaires started paying less than the working class. Now the Dems are campaigning against these cuts and Trump is doubling down. Top 0.01%(Buffet/Musk) don’t care but the average petite bourgeoisie definitely cares more about the short term money in their pockets than any “rational” long term analysis about anything, Biden is promising a tax hike.

    The Bush era cuts already cost trillions in lost tax revenue and extending Trump’s already going to cost another ~5 trillion

    This is The Economist literally running a pro Trump tax cut propaganda piece recently.

    The increase in those interest payments will be significant for sure, but so are these continuous tax cuts in the long run. I severely doubt Wall Street or the petite bourgeoisie prefers Biden significantly more than Trump, or even at all, they’re pretty much the same with pros and cons for them.

    Look at what the capitalists are saying themselves.

    After trial, investors weigh Trump 2.0 factor as election looms

    STOCKS The S&P 500 rose 68% through Trump’s first term, which was marked by tax cuts and infrastructure spending as well as a trade war with China and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The benchmark index is up 38% so far under Biden.

    An analysis by LPL Financial on Friday showed the S&P 500, which is up about 9% year-to-date, has risen alongside Trump’s election odds this year, as measured by betting site Predictit. At the same time, Biden’s election odds have remained negatively correlated to the S&P 500 since February, the study showed. Some investors believe a second Trump term could be supportive for equities, especially if Trump is able to avert tax hikes promised by Biden. Much would depend on the makeup of Congress.

    “In a Trump administration with a divided Congress or with a Republican clean sweep, we can say, a corporate tax hike is off the table,” said Sonu Varghese, global macro strategist at Carson Group.

    A second Trump White House would also seek to reduce the power of U.S. financial regulators, according to a Reuters report. That could be another positive for stocks, especially small cap companies, which may find it more expensive to comply with regulatory requirements, wrote Stephen Auth, chief investment officer, equities at Federated Hermes.

    Also they think interest rates could be even higher under Trump.

    Trump’s tax proposals “would be a big drain on revenues, and I think the bond market wouldn’t react well to that," said John Velis, FX and macro strategist for the Americas at BNY Mellon. Inflation and fiscal expansion could lead the Fed to raise interest rates, another path to higher yields, analysts at Nomura said.

    “Between elevated U.S. interest rates and tariffs, a Trump presidency could very well keep the dollar stronger for longer,” said Jonathan Petersen, senior markets economist at Capital Economics.

    Most of these wealthy failsons are literal manchildren that can only think about the next quarter profit and their bank accounts. Trump delivered a lot where it mattered to them and he is promising more. My take is they’re both at best equal.