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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2020


  • I guarantee you that it is blatantly rooted in orientalism and treating 1 billion Asian people as either agencyless victims or buffoonish idiots, and it’s never questioned that crackers “joking” about him a yellow cartoon character would be a problem. This is a longstanding trope with roots in Western “race science”.

    You can also find it in the ethnic rhetoric used against Russians at the moment - “savages”, “hordes”, “orcs”, and the classic false trope of sending masses to die as an attritional strategy (the last one also being literally Nazi rhetoric). You also saw it in the anti-brown islamophobia after 9/12.

    When the US wants to target an enemy, they have very little trouble playing on the unquestioned racism of their audience. They often don’t even think it’s racism at the time - or even afterwards unless sufficiently embarrassed.

  • FDR was a communist,

    I’m actually implying that he was an anticommunist and that The New Deal was an attempt to mollify more radical elements, including militant labor.

    If communism is so fucking great why does it fail all the fucking time hey?

    Communist countries, i.e. those run by a communist party, have consistently punched above their weight, particularly considering the relentless attacks they face.

    For example, compare the struggles of Haiti to those of Cuba. Haiti has suffered under neocolonialism and with basically zero counterweight to the constant imperialism directed at them, including still being forced to pay debts to France for their own liberation from a slave colony and undergoing several Western-supported coups, on top of the constant drain of resources and underpaid labor that come with the territory of exploitation by international capital.

    Cuba, despite blanket sanctions and constant targeting by the global seat of capital for over half a century, provides massively better lives for its people, with better literacy and infant mortality than the US. It’s still a poor country, understandably, but it teaches a simple lesson about how international capital actually functions for imperialized countries.

    Happy to answer more questions.

  • Yes, of course I think that. Even self-proclaimed Marxists have often barely read Marx, let alone liberals that speak entirely in vagaries.

    At best, someone claiming to have “read Marx” has skimmed and misunderstood The Communist Manifesto. That is, incidentally, not a book, more like a slightly extended pamphlet.

    I’m guessing you don’t talk to people, and haven’t read Marx beyond the above description.