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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • making food into a “marketable shape” so it will encourage your target audience to make an immature purchase. Immature purchases because of the product look (that being of the product your audience does not even consume lol) and not its let’s say more essential properties is not a sign of high intellect per say.

    making food into a shape that suggests certain ways of cooking implies your audience does not know how to cook fucking feta cheese or whatever your product is and that they can’t read whats written on your product’s label / google some recipes.

    fucking genious

    I mean, i’m not vegan, but if i were one i would refrain from bying the ultraprocessed food that made of one thing but trying to visually resemble another. Most of all the ultraprocessed part here is what will push me away of course, especially that afaik some extent of vegans chose to be one because meat is not eco friendly.

  • i’m being a jerk towards you because you’re being a jerk towards random people who do not deserve this. I don’t care if you will do my request as the moment when i was angry at your jerkish behaviour has long passed, but you will continue to passively be a jerk towards everyone who never read the book but would’ve liked to. It’s kinda funny if you think about it.

    Also, i’m making fun of you because your opinion is immature and dumb and i even said why. If the only thing you caught from my message are insults and belittling then you completely deserve it as your inability to separate emotional and rational parts of a message makes your perception as biased as it could be, therefore making you an idiot. Its ok to be emotional, but anyone should know when emotions should be ignored.

    And i’m not gonna lie, i enjoy telling idiots that they are idiots. This is my little guilty pleasure. You can call me whatever you want for this.