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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I’m going to start by saying you need to have a frank discussion with your fiance about who’s responsible for the cat. I’m taking a bit of a leap here, but it sounds like this isn’t the only problem with communication between you two. Also, and I think you know this, but taking the cat to a shelter will put a wedge between you and your fiance if she isn’t fully on board with the idea.

    As for the cat, well, she’s a kitten. It’s what they do. But it won’t be forever, she will start to calm down in about another 6 months to a year. The constant need to play will start to disappear and probably turn into the need for lap time. She’s a lot of work now, but when she’s fully grown she’ll be a lot more independent and easier to handle. You might even find she’ll become a great companion once the kitten energy wears off.

    As she grows and learns how to cat, her instincts are telling her what to do when she encounters prey. And the only way for her to get good is to “practice,” unfortunately on you. When she starts, grab one of her toys and dangle it in front of her. If she starts going for it, toss it for her to chase.

    A toy I suggest you get for her is a Kong Kickeroo. She’ll be able to wrap herself around it (like I assume she tries to do with your hands, arms, legs and feet) and really go to town on it. It’s good for her and good for you, since she can burn off her energy without causing you pain. To add to her enjoyment, you can grab the tail of the toy and give it gentle tugs while she’s wrapped around it to mimic the toy “struggling” to get free.

    I hope some of this will help!

  • I hate how Via Rail is trying to call it “an inconvenience.”

    A train being 15 minutes late is an inconvenience. A train running out of the sandwich you like is an inconvenience. This was a complete lack of emergency planning and care for the passengers. The fact that a diabetic person has to be rescued off the train is appalling.

    There needs to be regulations brought in to stop any transportation business from being able to literally trap people like this all because they don’t want to pay to make it right.

    The business will always only do what’s best for them. They’re becoming less and less afraid of bad PR. So we need to make them care again with regulations, fines, and even criminal charges when it reaches that threshold.

  • Could be Momma doesn’t feel as safe in the box as under the bed. I’d suggest cleaning as best you can under the bed without the vacuum, and placing the blankets there.

    Another box as suggested could work too, but may be unnecessary if she’s already decided that under the bed is safe.

    I know you want to watch the little ones, but at this stage it’s best to leave Momma to it until the kittens are old enough to start exploring on their own. She may even bring them to you to babysit while she gets some alone time for herself.

  • It sounds like she’s an introvert, and you’re an extrovert.

    For you, chatting is effortless and energizing. For her, it requires effort and can be draining.

    Meanwhile, you find mental exercises like deep thought or creating require effort and can be draining. For her, these are effortless and energizing.

    You need to talk with her about her and your needs, and you must recognize the differences between you and find a middle ground where you can each be happy. That could mean you go out with friends to get your chatting needs and give her the space to recharge, and you and her find topics that interest her to talk about.

    One last bit of advice: don’t treat this like it’s a you versus her problem. Treat it like it’s you and her versus the problem. The collaborative approach will yield better solutions and results.