• 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • On this point, conservatives believe that they’re bring protected by the media/police/government because they don’t want to be accused of racism or because of some great replacement bs

    My counter to this would be something along the lines of:

    “So, you’re telling me that whenever you see a news article or watch some news segment about somebody being arrested for rape, accused of rape, or that a group of people living somewhere have a higher than average instance of reported rape… nobody talking about this mentions the immigration status or nation of origin or culture or religion of the accused rapist? Never? Not once? That’s super weird because you’re (the person I’m talking at in this hypothetical) specifically adding illegal immigrant/Arab/Muslim/Mideastern/Kenyan/etc qualifiers to this conversation. So where did you get those qualifiers from that you are using in this conversation?”

  • These arguments from your friend, even though they are using statistics, are appeals to emotion more than anything else. Probably don’t need to worry about trying to found counter statistics to their claims.

    I’d probably be using more pointedly shitty counter questions.

    X% of rapes are by muslims when they are only Y% of the population

    Yeah, rape is bad though. Does it matter if the assailant is an immigrant, Arab, Muslim or your non-immigrant neighbor? Does being an immigrant/Arab/Muslim make the sexual assault … worse somehow?

    Why are all the immigrants men? We should ban the male refugees from these places, but as a good pro-refugee progressive we should allow the women and children in because they aren’t a problem.

    So, because some members of a group did a SA, all members of that group should be mass punished? Men (who haven’t SA’s anybody) forcibly separated from wives, children pulled from one of their parents, leaving a single parent to try to raise their kids as well as get a full time job to pay bills? What even would the cutoff be? What age would a boy be deemed “a threat of doing SA” and be deported or denied travel with their families to a new home… nine? … ten? … twelve years old? This doesn’t make any sense to me.

  • I never looked into it… but now I’m wondering if there are POV style vehicles that you legally aren’t allowed to get registered at the DMV?

    Could there be a federal regulation or 50 states worth of state regulation that prohibits the import, sale, and registration of certain makes/models of vehicles?

  • Ah… makes sense. My brain defaulted to “you’ve got a set of regulars with kids that make it to aid point” that’d you’d be able to ask directly.

    The “gift registry” mentioned in another comment reminds me of the Secret Santa and Angel Tree events that get set up locally during December. Is there anything similar where you’re at?

    A family goes to a place setting up a Secret Santa/Angel Tree (sometimes there some filtering criteria). Fills out a card with needs/wants, kids gender and age, maybe something from the kid about their likes/dislikes. Organizer keeps a master list with contact information private, transfers information to paper ornaments hung on Christmas trees or taped to windows for customers/employees to sign up to be responsible for. There’s a deadline for when the stuff is supposed to be dropped off well before the distribution is planned, giving the organizing place time to do last minute “we’ll just send out employees/managers to be responsible” if somebody picks a kid and never shows back up.

    The families and the donator never meet, everything is done with the organizer being a buffer for privacy, the organizer checks the unwrapped and new gifts and when everything is ready the families are contacted or there is a window for the families to check back with the organizer for pickups.

    Where I’m at, its the local bank branches, grocery store, and churches that run them.

    I wonder if reaching out to other places in the community, they’d be willing to share some of the work of getting the kids taken care of with a similar event.