How does it benefit them
The stock market ‘likes’ layoffs for some reason, so stock price go up
I run some TTRPG groups and having AI take in some context and generate the first draft of flavor text for custom encounters is nice. Also for generating background art and player character portraits is an easy win for me.
Aaàaannnndddd what does this have to do with programming aside from it being software?
pays overtime or comp time
You’re very funny, great joke! 😭
I would love a cube farm. Open office sucks.
But corporations are people, do you not want people to own homes?
Has something being illegal stopped companies before?
Did… Did they let the injured attract more to the blast zone before sending in the next rocket?
Looks like?
…this guy doesn’t speak for all of us. I probably have cure to cancer or something up in there, but don’t go looking 😉
TeslaMusk: Why would we need lidar? Just use visual cameras
Can y’all calm down with the great paint jobs? I’m gonna start developing a complex! :D
This was always the intention.
Man not all are even trying to beat the average!
Finding all of the power slugs on the map and putting them on a looping belt to simultate a race is always fun.