• 15 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • I feel like that great advice… for people who need it. Not sure if this reply is directed at me, but if it is I feel like you are replying as if I complained about not being able to meet people and desperately wanting a partner and need to hear the advice… my entire post was that I am eschewing dating apps because I hear how hellish they are and that I do not need one anyways because I’m already happy by myself and I’ll take a partner if one comes. I am not explicitly seeking, either, just not closed off to the option if it shows up.

    If you are commenting for any onlookers instead, I totally get it. I’ve accidentally fallen into all my relationships too, by way of participating in activities that involve other humans (I personally pursue music—specifically making it with other people. Piano accompaniment is just more fun for me than playing solo), or meeting them through friends. I have never used a dating app for actually meeting anyone, although I did sign up for OKCupid as a 12-year-old just to take the personality quiz (with an obviously fake profile) so I can’t actually say “never used a dating app”.

  • Not OP but I hear so many stories of sexual harassment, of people insisting on having sex when you clearly state in your profile you are not looking for a hookup and calling you names when you do not give in, “sour grapes” treatment for rejection for any reason really (“I just messaged you out of pity!” stuff), of gay people getting messaged by straight ones thinking they can “turn” the gay person… as a woman lucky enough to have never experienced this kind of trash in my life, I am NOT willing to open the floodgates to harassment or this level of rudeness and experience it for the first time.

    It helps that although it would be nice to have a partner, I know I could be happy and fulfilled without one, so I’ll never have a desperate need for a partner that pushes me to risk harassment and use an app.

  • Connections 
    Puzzle #388

    :::spoiler First mistake was because “party cake” was rejected as a type of cake—I have bought an ice cream flavor called “party cake”. Also got thrown off by “things you can throw” as I included “spitball”, not realizing it was just things that can be thrown in metaphors. :::