• 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • I got another way to deal with libs.

    “If you were serious about anything you say, you would be talking to a recruiter about enlisting so the Russians can kill you instead of trying to make me feel bad about supporting China or Russia. Hail Satan.”

    I will never convince them otherwise. Maybe the horrors of a Russian volley will change their mind.

  • Okay. God. Fucking. Damn. It.

    Fine. Dont call Bandera a fucking Nazi. Fine. What did the mother fucker do?

    He killed Poles, Jews, and Russians. That is what he did. IN THE NAME OF A PURE UKRAINE!

    Okay. Heh aint a nazi. So okay.

    Is it Ukrainian to kill Jews, Poles, and Russians? Is that the ESSENCE of what it means to be a Ukrainian? Is that it? Is that what we gotta get behind?

    God DAMN these fucking liars! And god damn these comfortable liberals who are surprised by the revalations of nazi exposure.

    To hell with Canada. Seriously.

    In WW3, let it be the last war. May the East and Global South not stop until there is no west. Until it is simply a land of wild animals and vine covered malls and weeds cracking and turning to gravel the roads and side walks.

    I fucking hate whites.

  • I want to make sure I understand your meaning…

    “We will make sure people have a bed to sleep in and a full belly. And we will make sure UP TO using the gun to see that it happens.”

    …Is that what you mean?

    Because I would LOVE and I mean fucking. LOVE for my country to be downright draconian as the 10th circle of Hell to see to it that the people have all that they need.

    Genuinely. Do you seriously have an issue with folks who want to hurt the common prosperity and welfare of the masses living a life of terror?

    Can you walk us through what you mean? Because forcing the common prosperity and security of the masses at gun point is unironically the most moral and right thing to do.

    Frankly. I seriously think these “socialists” who want to means test socialism should be put in prison.

  • This stuff right here is worth preserving. I love to cook. But I also only like to cook if it’s for more than just me.

    It’s really just a very basic human love language. Damn near primordial. It says; I am aware of hunger and I am aware of the joys of a full belly. And since I have the power to prevent you from feeling hunger; I will do that.

    To be THIS MAD over a woman wanting to feed her knuckle headed neighbors is stunning.

    Where I work, we used to do unsanctioned pot lucks. Outside the mandates of management. Stuff like that builds solidarity. I have older women coworkers who straight up feed me and on return; I usually find myself making sure I do most the heavy lifting in my job specifically for them because they’re older and I dont wanna see my coworkers risk hurting themselves.

    It aint patriarchy for women to cook for men. It’s patriarchy to MAKE women cook for men as a prescriptive expectation of gender roles.

    Why be angry at women who WANT to be motherly?

  • I should be voting?

    Earn my vote. Give me a reason.

    The GOP wants to oppress nakedly everyone in the US and the Dems want to get us into WW3.

    Yeah. Im beyond sure we are gonna get actual rights and suffrage while our major cities become glass craters.

    Fuck voting. Loving my spouse, taking care of those I love and trying to comfort them as the bombs drop or the fascist death squads kick in our door is the more productive thing.

    God damn the whole fucking thing.

    What we SHOULD be doing is arming up and building dual power structures and defending our communities from the state and the local fascist reactionaries.

    All yanks are bastards.