Reddit Migrator, Artist, Tech Enthusiast

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • God doesn’t tell us not to sin because he’s trying to boss us around. God tell’s us not to sin because sin is it’s essence, self destructive and contrary to our own good. We can be forgiven ultimatley upon our death and go to heaven, and also live a miserable life because of our own sin here on Earth. Note that this does not mean, that if you don’t sin (very difficult i hear) that you won’t have issues in life. It rains on the just and the unjust and we live in a fallen world that is ravaged by sin. It’s just that we can remove a large portion of the problems that are self inflicted by living in an upright way.

    Hope that perspective helps

  • KBin is actually the best reddit alternative I’ve seen in along time. The truth is though that reddit has a 15 year head start and giant conglomerate corperate backing. Even though federated sites like this are getting better and better all the time the user base is still small when you compare it to the internet monster that is reddit. This site still has along way to go in terms of users, content, and overall polish and ease of use. I look forward to the day when I site like this can scare the likes of reddit, but sadley I don’t feel that today is that day. This is coming from a place of support for the fediverse btw.