JosephinaSteel [they/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2023

  • Yes. Lapua movement was a far right anticommunist terror group that was heavily inspired by the german nazis. They are known for kidnapping suspected leftists and driving them far away and leaving them there without their belongings or outright murdering them. Once they even captured a previous finnish president that was too leftist for their taste. And they were also allowed to capture leftist parliament members in the middle of a meeting without any opposition from police.

    The Finnish military, police and government were all controlled by far right at that time. Lapua movement acted as a terror wing while the coalition party acted as the “legitimate” political wing.

    The current day political situation in finland is moving into scarily similar direction with the same coalition party leading government and basic finns party that has numerous barely hidden connections to different neonazi groups.

  • I just finished reading Nestori Parkkaris Suomalaisessa keskitysleirissä vv. 1940–1944(In a Finnish concentration camp) an i will read Väkivallan vuodet(Years of violence) next.

    In a Finnish concentration camp was about a group of communists that were imprisoned just before continuation war and then get sent to a forced labour camp near the frontlines and after finnish nazis start losing they get moved to a concentration camp where guards consist of lapua nazis that try to starve them to death. It was very dark and bleak but also guite hopefull and inspiring in some ways. Even with all horrors that were inflicted to them the group managed to stay organized and united. They were constantly doing forbidden things in secret without getting caught and even with constant scaremongering about them they managed to become known as trustworthy and good people by the locals and other prisoners during their time in the forced labour camp. And it also showed how quite well much corruption there was inside the finnish army and how horrifying monsters the lapua movement nazis were.

    Years of violence will be about lapua movement and the authors time inside the infamous Tammisaari forced labour camp