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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I had a parent who was terrible. It really sucked because out of my siblings I was the one who was really willing and able to deal with the end of life bullshit. She was mentally and emotionally abusive throughout my life. I did my best to be fair and make sure she was treated with dignity. I think any human being deserves that. But I couldn’t bring myself to tell her I loved her when she said it to me towards the end. I wasn’t angry towards her or anything. I just tried to deal with it without emotion. My brother did help handle a lot of interaction with her. I’m very thankful he was there with me.

    I’ll be honest, I am glad she is gone. I stressed out over her and things she would do. I couldn’t have made the future choices I did if she was still around. Everyone in my family is better off and their lives are better because she is gone. I think feeling bad for their suffering means that you are human and have empathy. I think back still, at times, and feel for her. I think about the things in her life that made her the way that she was. It also fucked me up for a while after my child was born because it made me think of the better times with my mother when I was young. Still does sometimes. But she is gone now. It’s okay to mourn that person so you can move on. You are mourning the good things about the person, and maybe even the bad. To move on past the things that fuck with us, sometimes we have to forgive because it is what is best for ourselves. I at least know I will never have to endure the suffering she inflicted upon me through her abuse again. For that I am greatful.

  • I stopped using all social media besides Lemmy. In part I realized how much of it is used by influencers and companies to sell shit and it’s become worthless. On top of that, when I use Facebook I can barely find actual pictures when I attempt to catch up with family by looking at their pages. Once in a while I make an attempt then give up when all the bullshit gets crammed down my throat. The only reason why my Facebook still exists is the use the messenger to keep in touch with family that way.

    I remember using Twitter to actually keep in touch with my gaming friends. Then they started with the algorithms. I used to use Tweetcaster. I stopped using Twitter entirely once that happened because it used to bypass those algorithms and the ads. I stopped using Reddit when Reddit is Fun went down.

    Now I just scroll Lemmy. Even that is limited because of all the depressing news. Sometimes I get frustrated by the 15 reposts of the same article and I get tired of having to interact with them to get them to go away. I just don’t get the same reward I used to get when I looked through posts or scrolled through tweets of friends once upon a time. I’m just tired of the enshittification.

  • I’ve had women do this to me with their crazy, fucked up life and issues. The last one I remember was a coworker that I was standing in line with at a food truck. She just started talking about the mountain of medications she had and the health conditions that went with it. I don’t remember specifically what prompted it but it was completely unrelated and she intentionally steered the conversation to the subject. I was just like “uh huh” and as soon as I got my food I GTFO and avoided her until she got fired. I vaguely remember she had the biggest fucking melt down I’ve ever seen when they fired her. People heard her crying and wailing through the conference room door.

  • Lots of good ideas. I haven’t seen the basics such as Mac and cheese and even hamburger helper. They aren’t great for you but if you don’t have a lot of money or are just feeling lazy that day, it’s an option. Grilled cheese/sandwiches and Soups also come to mind.

    Assuming you have an oven, you can bake a lot of the things you would normally put in a microwave. Pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, chicken patties, whatever. Usually there is baking instructions next to the microwave instructions and even air fryer now. Browse through the frozen section and see what catches your eye. Might find something new to try. You can find frozen ravioli in the freezer section you just need to boil in water and add sauce (when they float, they’re done.)

    It’s been mentioned but pasta and a sauce and protein of your choice is a winner. You can buy canned or take the opportunity to learn how to make some. Usually, the more from scrap you can make it the cheaper it will be. A lot of times recipes do go nuts and have some ingredients I don’t have on hand, usually it’s not a big deal to skip one as long as it isn’t like a main one. Like for spaghetti sauce you probably want oregano and wouldn’t want to skip it. Sometimes trying new stuff is trial and error. Very rarely is it inedible if you screw up, it’ll just be “off.” it’s just part of the learning process. You can also look into substituting an ingredient if you don’t have that exact one. I’ve learned how to make due with milk if I don’t have something like half and half which is something I don’t just have sitting around in my refrigerator.

    Nof sure what country you are in but in the US, there are stores like Ross and Ollie’s that buy good from other stores at a discount because that other store wants it gone. If you have something like that it’s worth a look. I got an 80$ hand mixer for 20$ and a coffee maker for half off. My mother in law has bought several air fryers as gifts for like 20$. Browse through one of these from time to time and you might find a good deal on a microwave. They usually have lots of pots and pans too either as sets or single pans if you need one. If you’re not sure what a good pan looks like then do a little research. I think Alton Brown had a Good Eats episode just on pans that was very informative.

    Last thing that comes to mind is while you’re cooking on your stove, keep an eye on Facebook marketplace to see if someone is selling a microwave if that is something you are willing to do.

  • Me too! I had a dream when I was 4 or 5. In the dream I woke up and looked out the window at the backyard. There were a bunch of those things circling the tetherball pole in the yard and a light was shining down on them like a UFO hovered above them or something. But their yips got louder and more terrifying. I tried to hide but it only got worse. That was when I woke up. I couldn’t stand the sound or sight of those things for years.