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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • My understanding of their desire is to be able to hold onto rights related to their settings and characters (and by extension you hold onto your own settings and characters) while forcibly sharing (SA) mechanics and to do this in a single license.

    This is a goal that CC (BY) (SA) can’t solve simply due to the one license requirement. The intent was (though the execution failed) that you’d say ORC everything but <these names> and the result would be people could borrow the ORC mechanics and any improvements could be backported if it was good.

    That said, I haven’t been following ORC very hard as I have no real interest in it. My own work I’m perfectly happy with CC-BY-SA on everything.

  • Yeah. A hack is usually a little more than just a modification, but there’s no strict definition or anything.

    I basically like the way Knave is, but there’s a few things that I found didn’t work well at my table.

    • Item choice paralysis. Do you buy/carry a hammer? Nails? Chalk? Ink? An hourglass? … There’s like 36 odds and ends in the game (100 in 2e.)
    • One use per day spell books. Knave 2e solves this with Int uses of spell books but I mixed it with:
    • Ability to lose items. A character built around a concept should retain the ability to use that.

    So I changed some things.

    • We use item kits. These are quantum bags of items related to a purpose. Say a climbing kit or an alchemy kit.
    • Item kits can be tracked with item slots as they are, but most kits will be like 2-3 slots so it makes more sense to cut the number in half and stop varying size of items.
    • Having cut the number of things to track in half, Art slots are added back in. These represent proficiencies/abilities that can’t be lost. Most of them literally are just kits but they can’t be taken away. So a Climbing Art does what a climbing kit can do (save for things like pass an item around since this is a personal ability).
    • I use a standardized art point system so all arts consume these points to activate.

    There’s some knock on effects too. So I have different ability scores for instance.