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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I haven’t seen that paper before. The ones I remember were blogposts or web pages. In fact, this may be what I was remembering: https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/faq.html Particularly the part about what happened with the port to different microkernels.

    IIRC NeXT and OSX use Mach, but they don’t use it as intended. I think they’re mostly a BSD kernel with Mach functioning as an interface to userspace.

    Hurd actually used Mach as a microkernel, and moved most functionality to userspace daemons. This meant that Mach’s performance issues, at least the ones related to IPC, affected the Hurd a lot more than OSX or NeXT.

    And yeah, I think developer interest was the biggest thing that held it back.

  • Haskell is simple in some ways and complicated in others.

    It doesn’t have optional or named parameters. There are no objects or methods. No constructors. It doesn’t distinguish syntactically between procedures and functions. There are no for loops or while loops. && and || aren’t treated specially. It doesn’t even have functions with more than one argument. Every function takes one argument and returns one result.

  • I would kind of like to play Astro Bot but don’t have PSVR.

    I’d like to go back and finish Obduction (I think I stopped in the middle because some other game came out) but I’ll have to start over from the beginning because I don’t remember what’s going on. Also something happened since then so performance is terrible now.

    I wanted to love star shelter because I love space games and the devs’ other titles were great, but something about the locomotion made me very sick. Weird, since I had no problem with Lone Echo 1 & 2.

  • I remember getting into political arguments that went nowhere at the time but resulted in me changing my mind years later. The people I argued with never knew about my change of heart. As far as they knew I was one of those people who get more entrenched in their beliefs.

    What I’m getting at is that your arguments can hit home without looking like it. What you’re seeing as getting defensive could just be the early stages for them changing their minds.

    This can be especially true if someone’s political beliefs are part of their identity. You don’t make those kind of changes all at once.

    So I’d say just argue in good faith, don’t try to score points, provide food for thought if you can, and hope for the other person to eventually find their way to the truth.

  • It had it’s share of problems, but I really enjoyed it. The teleportation training montage was great.

    My favorite part was the flerkin escape at the end. It seems like every marvel plot lately has been resolved with a big fight scene and/or with the hero and villain firing different colored laser beams at each other and grunting aggressively. I loved that they solved the problem with some lateral thinking. It was also a hilarious set piece.

  • There are companies working on providing that experience for Linux. System76 is one. You can buy a laptop with their is pre installed. Everything works, including suspend. If something breaks, you call the support number or email and they either talk you through fixing it or sending it in for repair or replacement. It’s not that different from having a Dell or HP.