PKMKII [none/use name]

Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Usually what I see is this sense of noble, aloof resignation; a lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth gets out of the starting block, woe is me for having the burden of recognizing the truth from the lies.

    What libs fail to recognize is that lies are not dished out arbitrarily, they’re done for a conviction, a value, to signify to a base that its needs are seen and being addressed. It doesn’t matter if Trump overstates the number of annual illegal border crossings because the point isn’t the specifics, it’s communicating to people anxious about foreigners, “I am looking out for you.” Libs fail at this because they think the abstract concept of “Truth” is a value unto itself and that conviction/base bit is icky politics. So it gets treated like getting a question right on a current events quiz.

  • I ask, because you see a lot of libs and liblefts calling America fascist, but then being asked how, and not being able to respond.

    Completely anecdotal, but my memory of being taught about both fascism and communism in high school (and I was in the more advanced social studies classes mind you) was, they’re very very bad, no good, but no real explanation of what either was structurally. We were taught they did bad things, but the theory/ideology behind it was reduced to “here be dragons.” So I’m not surprised that a lot of people have trouble defining fascism even if their heart is in the right place in opposing it.