PZK [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2021

  • Good read. But I don’t necessarily agree with the correlation of admiring defeat as a direct connection to Christianity, but rather the way the west is conditioned to find a way to win. If some Socialist movement failed, it is glorified in its failure because the hyper competitive West must extract some kind of victory. To utterly lose is to potentially admit eternal defeat and abandon a path as impossible, so already downtrodden Western leftists are keen to extract a moral victory or sense of heroic martyrdom.

    Also much of what would account for leftist celebration of these failures, is actually Liberals co-opting historic evidence. For example I interpret the celebration of non-violent means that have yet to produce any revolution as simply Liberalism. If one would cheer on the status quo while dreaming of a slightly more perfect utopia, then they are going to romanticize the people that fought for a better future, only to be “cut down by reality”. Liberals celebrate these people for their ideas but not their actions, unless of course their actions accounted for nothing. If they ennoble a failed leader or idea, it is because they want to celebrate the status quo crushing those who would challenge it, but admire their “heart being in the right place”. Or Liberals interpret the fallen hero or movement’s actions as a means for reinforcing the challenged status quo, as opposed to changing it.

    It does explain some level of psychological copium that is used by Western leftists to glorify defeat, but I don’t think it is the driving force behind the defeat itself. I would presume the reason Socialism doesn’t get off the ground in the West is the lack of material challenge that it’s populations experience by benefiting from their imperialism. No collectives form from a need for survival unlike the East and Global South that are subjected to imperialism and poverty. For these regions, Socalism is a source of strength. While for the West, Socialism is an aesthetic or higher moral purity, which is the reason it never goes anywhere. It isn’t seen through the lens of survival, but often just contrarian rejection or individualistic rebellion of a system that isn’t serving that persons best interests.

    Though I absolutely agree with your sentiment that these ineffective tactics are hammered into children at a young age to be admired for their virtue and lack of results. But I would regard that as institutions of capital protecting themselves from any future overthrow, not because “it was what Jesus would do”.

  • Reaction videos are an occasional guilty pleasure of mine. But I avoid channels that are explicitly about “reactions” because as UlyssesT said, they end up all being the same soypoint-1 reaction to different things.

    I do genuinely enjoy seeing people be excited and happy. But so much of that “industry” is fake. People either go over the top or provide nothing in addition.

  • I think some niche youtube channels are fun, but it certainly is becoming a bore. If I had to guess, it probably is from everything being localized to a handful of websites and those are in turn optimized by an algorithm for profit instead of something enjoyable. The internet has been turned into what is addictive instead of fun.

    My personal theory is that we are so detached from joy that many find “reaction videos” a source of amusement because we can’t feel excitement ourselves anymore, so people vicariously enjoy something “new” by watching someone else be very excited and happy about it.

    I only really partake in interacting with people I don’t know on Hexbear, and anything else I leave exclusive to people I know in real life.

    Its a fantastic reservoir of knowledge at your fingertips, but a terrible and inhuman way to interact with other humans. Much nuance and body language is not seen, and people essentially develop the same kind of anonymous rage they feel when driving a car except it is in front of a computer screen.

  • Pretty insane advice if have reached a point where you are telling people to skip what is probably the most important and often cheapest meal of the day.

    Beyond this, it also attempts to trap people into buying more fast food to make up for the lost calories from breakfast, which have a higher chance of coming from a homemade source instead of lunch or dinner.

  • A lot of what you are describing here is why leftism is dysfunctional in the west. Since leftism in the west isn’t always a matter of material survival, western leftists use it to hyper-individualize themselves. Essentially they use leftist ideology to try to improve their class/conditions within a capitalist system without attempting to overthrow it. They also attack each other when one person does not see another’s personal problems as “the one true leftist perspective.”

    A key factor is sometimes these criticisms are not coming from someone who is looking for solidarity, but supremacy. This is why people become defensive, because these accusations are not always launched with a cooperative perspective in mind, but a competitive mindset that is a result of western societal framing. Many of the examples cited can also be liberal perspectives quietly excusing capitalism. Basically saying "if it was only ‘x’ group that was removed from power, or put in charge, the current system would work.

  • Disagree. There is nothing that says someone needs to be subjected due to trans acceptance. I do not feel threatened by, or feel that my “privilege” is being attacked by the existence of trans people. They want to exist and be accepted and I don’t see this as an assault on my existence. For the record am a cis lmayo male. I know I lose nothing by accepting trans people.

    What you described is what they believe will happen. Their minds are always in a place of believing that someone needs to be losing.

    As a tangent for the sake of example: I recall during the George Floyd protests that white people flooded gun stores to buy guns because they seriously thought that black people were going to come into their neighborhoods, drag them out of their houses and kill them. They think this because that is what they would do in their place. Its a silent admission of knowing they fuck minorities over and they have a right to be angry. They were scared of being casualties in a race uprising that they assume has been brewing because they know how they treat black people in America. They also assumed black people would just indiscriminately murder people because they see them as animals and not human beings. I was blind-sided by the entire white-panic mentality and one of my black friends had to explain to me why the lines were so frenzied and long at the sporting goods store.

    The same goes for trans people and the gamer throwing a crybaby fit about being reminded that they exist and people respect them. They don’t understand them, so they hate them, and assume they… or someone else is working to undermine their lives. It is a lot more premeditated and sinister than you think. They want these people to disappear. Trans people make them scared. They worry they will have to question their own identity or sexuality which their culture has told them to strictly adhere to and demonize deviants. It does not look like it in the video, but the gamer dude raging about pronouns is utterly terrified of them because he has been propagandized and programed to do so.

    Its built on layers of punditry and propaganda that all feeds off of their basic human instinct of fear. Their reactions and solutions are reinforced by western civilization. They believe they would be undermined their privilege because that is what society teaches them, and not reality.

  • I believe it simply comes from them believing that these people are destroying their country. They see trans acceptance as proof they are losing the culture war which they feel will have political consequences for them. It isn’t going to affect them but they have been told it will by every pundit and cultural convention they are familiar with. At best they see it as strange and the ground is moving from beneath them. To put it more simply, its fear. They don’t understand it so their reaction is to hate and destroy it because it signals societal change.

    Everything is zero-sum game to them. If someone is getting more recognition and rights, they believe it means they themselves have less.