Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2021

  • Alright, but we still remember all the shit that happened to the indigenous people at the hands of European settlers, and more importantly, so do the indigenous peoples of the world. That’s not going away, even if the liberal consensus is that it’s all in the past and we should forget about it. This is all part of a historical process, and history doesn’t end once the liberals say it does. It’s all cause and effect. What I don’t like about this post is that it’s just handwringing about the state if things, thereby implying that these struggles are, in fact, in the past. If this is all going to be forgotten, then why do we bother talking about it? We should be documenting and discussing precisely so that it doesn’t get forgotten.

  • But it’s not framed that way, and a lot of children won’t see the similarities. I may not have, once upon a time, as critical thinking isn’t encouraged at school. There are many things I think about in relation to economics and foreign and domestic policy which I had to have pointed out to me by more experiened leftists. This frustrates me, as I should have been able to spot these glaring double standards and errors by myself; it also makes me worry about the children of today, who may go their entire adult lives without encountering anything which intellectually challenges them.

  • I disagree. The only people who will think like this are liberals, and who gives a fuck what they think? Libs gonna lib, as they always have. Left-wingers (some of them, at least - I assume there were some who thought differently) have always been critical of colonialism and imperialism - Marx wrote scathingly about atrocities committed by the British against the Chinese and Engles had some thoughts about the English occupation of Ireland, for example. If it seems as though no-one cared about the Aboriginal Australians or the First Nations people, it was very likely because not as much was known about them; there were only so many socialist thinkers at the time, and they were probably more preoccupied by potential revolutions going on closer to home.

    However, the surviving indigenous peoples of America and Australia certainly won’t forget what happened to them, or what is still happening to them. The palestinians have the support not just of white European and American leftists like myself, but broadly of the Muslim diaspora community on those continents and the people of the Islamic nations surrounding Palestine. I know I certainly won’t forget what Israel has done, nor will I ever think it was justified. And what happens when Uncle Sam finds it inconvenient or impossible to stand up for Israel anymore? I don’t know for sure, but it will probably involve a lot more killing.

  • I assume they were talking about this interaction:

    The US fled Afghanistan and the Taliban won. Mind you, while I don’t like the Taliban, it’s better for them to be in charge than the colonial occupier the US had been trying to act as for 20 fucking years. If there is to be hope for Afghanistan in the dilemma between the Taliban and US, we must agree that the local force that actually has some stake in the country doing well is the better option.

    Hardly a defence of the Taliban’s ideology or methods. As for the stuff about DPRK, well… libs gonna lib.

  • Reposting on old comment of mine with some more quotes, cos why not

    Edit: This is the article I go the quotes from. There are more good ones in there too, where Hitler is essentially forced to admit that Soviet central planning was more efficient than market economies lol

    I was reading through this article about German hubris whilst fighting the Soviets and modern day hubris when fighting the Russians the other day, and came across something interesting:

    October 17, 1941. Hitler speaking to Reich Minister Dr. Todt and Gauleiter Sauckel:

    “We shall have to settle down to the task of rebuilding the Russian track, to restore it to the normal gauge. There’s only one road that, throughout all these last months of campaigning, was of any use to the armies on the central front—and for that I’ll set up a monument to Stalin. Apart from that, he preferred to manufacture chains of mud rather than to build roads!..”

    Initially I thought he was talking metaphorically, but is he actually talking about train track gauges? Did the Wermacht move supplies by train?

    There’s a load of other funny bits in there too:

    Hitler, July 19, 1942:

    “Just when the difficulties of the eastern winter campaign in the East had reached their height, some imbecile pointed out that Napoleon, like ourselves, had started his Russian campaign on 22nd June. Thank God, I was able to counter that drive with the authoritative statement of historians of repute that Napoleon’s campaign did not, in fact, begin until 23rd June!”

    so-true Nice one Hitler, you really showed that guy

    Hitler, August 26, 1942:

    “If Stalin had been given another ten or fifteen years, Russia would have become the mightiest State in the world, and two or three centuries would have been required to bring about a change. It is a unique phenomenon! He has raised the standard of living—of that there is no doubt; no one in Russia goes hungry any more. They have built factories where a couple of years ago only unknown villages existed—and factories, mark you, as big as the Hermann Goring Works. They have built railways that are not yet even on our maps. In Germany we start quarrelling about fares before we start building the line !

    It’s as if markets are inefficient or something

    Hitler, August 28, 1942:

    “As regards the Russians, their powers of resistance are inimitable, as they proved in the Russo-Japanese War. This is no new characteristic which they have suddenly developed.”

    So much for that rotten structure then, lmfao