People will shit on crystals believers in one breath and tell people to ‘respect other’s religion’ in another or gloat about their MBTI assessment. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.
I don’t believe in either but at least I’m consistent. If you’re not, then you’re just finding an excuse to hate on a hobby that primarily attracts women.
This is the same thing that happens to anything that women likes: pumpkin spice lattes, uggs, horoscopes, tarot cards, rose, etc. It’s seen as trivial and stupid no matter how banal the average person’s interest are regardless of gender.
You’re not getting old. The hate is real.
I’ve put countless hours into Rainbow 6 Siege, Escape from Tarkov, League of Legends, CoD Warzone, all back when my guy friends were still interested in these games. I loved these games to death, but some of the most vile shit ever said to me were said when I played alone.
When my friends and I moved on to other games, I wanted to play these on my own and just couldn’t. Without them, I had to mute myself or get graphic rape and death threats. I went with it for a while and thought I could tough it out, but I couldn’t. These days I just soloqueue league on a new account without a feminine name.
But yeah, I agree it’s a breath of fresh air to play games without the hate.