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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • Plenty of people are making that bet. Work from home is important to a lot of people and its not something you can take away without employees seeing it as a pay cut.

    So if my pay is being cut, and you are taking an extra 2 hours of my day in commute again, then I guess that becomes my reward for hard work?

    To be fair the dynamics do change from business to business. My current one is a good example of making poor decisions with workforce and not expecting the blowback.

  • Were you even in the room with your newborns? Both of mine were moved to a table, cleaned up, and swaddled. I would have had to literally interrupt them to take a genital picture of them.

    But I guess where you live, they pause first and ask if you want a full naked body shot? Cool tradition, I know you love those.

    I’m sure noone has been in trouble for ONLY having their naked child’s pictures on their phone, but I’m sure those pictures have ended up in CP collections. I’m sure you have perfect opsec though so its fine.

    Legality as side, since its not the law preventing me from abusing children anyways, I’m arguing that its morally wrong. Plenty of immoral actions are legal from my perspective.

    Why does your perspective need baby genitals to be featured again?

  • All of the resources and energy spent to get you this product you like. You can’t discount what it took to create something just because the final product is small and efficient. Take a look at the manufacturing footprint of nearly all complex hardware.

    I’m not saying you created the AI but you are one of its supporters, without which there would be no AI.

    If this was all just pitched as developing a new plain English coding language, I think the hype following it would be far more appropriate, but then the funding wouldn’t follow to support the massive development costs of AI.

    Its become a circle of hype chasing money chasing hype.

    Its not you that is the problem so to speak though, its the collective “you’s” who think the same way.

  • People are replying and reporting trauma, you are saying you don’t believe them, that its not good enough. Besides the fact its absurd that you think psychology or sociology is even close to solving or understanding nearly any of the topics we are talking about.

    When it comes to psychology, self reports are evidence, and you disagreeing with that doesn’t change anything.

  • Depends if you are talking legally or morally. I disagree with a lot of whats legal. Your examples are silly and easy to answer:

    If they want to be tickled than yes, if not than no. Punishing the child is for their own best interest, not to get them to learn to listen to the king of the house better. We make decisions for them because they aren’t capable of making the best decisions for themselves.

    So how exactly does taking pictures of them naked when they are babies or children, help them in any way?

    Its a stupid tradition. Embarrassing people is always bad. Purposely hurting people is always bad. Regardless of the trauma it causes it would still at best make you an incredibly selfish person.

  • I think his point is that he’s the exception and he would be very upset if he got thrown in with all the pedo’s.

    I agree with what you said, such a strange hill to die on. He wont accept any variation like covering just their genitals or making them off camera. Its like its very important he has baby dicks and vaginas saved on his computer and phone.

    And of course since he would never hurt his own children (said every parent who inadvertently abuses their children), we shouldn’t make him adhere to the rules the rest of us do.

    All hail king flying squid I guess. I’m starting to realize that quantity of posts does not equal quality of character.

    P.s. tell him to stop Doxxing himself so much.

  • Where do you draw the line on how much discomfort/sadness/anger your actions cause before it becomes a wrong thing to do?

    I understand embarrassing your adult child by showing child porn of them to their partner is below your bar, but can you describe how you figure out which side you are on?

    Do you disagree with any traditions that are designed to embarrass someone? What about hazing in college or the military? What about making fun of girls over voice chat? If these are bad examples to you, can you come up with something else and answer about that?