Its like having your nudes leaked but you never sent any, pretty fucked
Its like having your nudes leaked but you never sent any, pretty fucked
200 comments 170 votes, hell yeah
Same problem here, first logout didn’t fix it so tried again after I saw this post and seems all good now
Same with Facebook, them or dead accounts
I’m pretty sure someone wrote about it in the 1900s, like 1908 even
That was pretty common in Europe too, out of my depth here but I’d be willing to bet African states used women to get rid of rival nobility and such too
Hard to keep in mind sometimes, but yeah lot of actors and athletes are well off but unless they got their own brands or companies they are still workers
Same here, switched cause of the down time mostly
I know I’d wait last minute for everything, or even worse than I do now anyways
Shit good point, only white American hero?
He is the one and only American hero
We aren’t all like that fortunately
Me and the boys going to work on the Big Book of Slurs
Not to make assumptions, I do wonder if any of them have some repression deal going on, I know Crowder seemed to get really in character when he did his cross dressing bits
Theres a lot of shit these guys do that get to me, but I think thats the worst one for me. Your family shouldn’t be a burden, they support you and you support them, a real man loves their family
Kinda like how primate babies do it, they aren’t very developed but they’re born with a real strong grasp so they don’t fall off
I thought it was alright, still got roughly the same spirit, definitely not as good as older ones
I just love how they pile on in there
I do love me some dice rolling football
You’re not really a capitalist unless you own something that makes you money without you being there