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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Firefighters — who once backed the DeSantis takeover — are among those furious about the changes

    “I didn’t think the leopards would eat my face.”

    benefits like park passes are unethical.

    Wtf. Perks are win-win. It’s a trivial expense to allow employees to use existing company assets, but it’s very valuable to the employees. Boss gets happy employees for less expense. Both sides are happy. No, that’s bad because:

    “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God,” the passage began. “And those which exist are established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.”

    Ok, I didn’t see anything about perks there, but this logic supports gassing Jews (what the local authority wanted) and condemns smuggling them out of Germany (opposing God apparently).

    These people are dangerously insane.

  • My dad (silent generation): Back in my day, a guy could get a job at a gas station and be able to own a house and support a stay-at-home wife and kids. I dunno how you kids make it.

    Me (gen X): Back in my day, a guy could get a job at a gas station and afford rent and food. I dunno how you kids make it.

    I’m not sure when the guy in the comic was born. Medieval times maybe? Because economic conditions for working class folks have been getting steadily worse for the entire lifespan of everyone alive today, at least in the US.

  • From the article you linked:

    Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll

    From Cornell Law School’s web site:

    A party is liable when they are held legally responsible for something. Unlike in criminal cases, where a defendant could be found guilty, a defendant in a civil case risks only liability

    At no point in the article you linked did the Judge say that Trump was “found guilty” of anything. Trump has no crime on his criminal record.

    The judge in the article says that Trump was found to have raped Carroll, but acknowledged that there is “a legal distinction” between liability and guilt.

    I’m not trying to defend Trump here, or argue that he didn’t do what he was found to have done, just pointing out that there is a difference between “found guilty of rape” and what actually happened.