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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Nah @exu is right: non-IT focused companies do not have the skills or desire to reliably set up and maintain these systems. There is no benefit to them creating their own server stack based on a community distro to save a few bucks.

    Smaller companies will hire MSPs to get them setup and maintain what they need. And medium to large size companies would want an enterprise solution (IE: RHEL) they can reliably integrate into their operations.

    This is for a few high value reasons. Taking Red Hat as an example:

    1. Standardization (IE: they can hire people with RedHat certificates and they will be a few steps ahead in ramping up to internal systems)
    2. Vendor support (IE: if something critical isn’t working they can get quick support from a Red Hat technician and get it resolved quickly)
    3. Reliability (IE: all software is backed and tested by Red Hat and if anything breaks from a package update its on Red Hat to fix)

    When lots of money is on the line companies want as many safety/contingency plans as they can get which is why RedHat makes sense.

    The only companies that will roll their own solution are either very small with knowledgeable IT people (smaller startups), or MASSIVE companies that will create very custom solutions and then train their own IT operations divisions (talking like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon levels).

    Not to say what Red Hat did is justified or good, because hampering the FOSS ecosystem is destructive overall, but just putting this into context.

  • As much as I like my Steam Deck, replacing the battery is not as easy or clean as it should be because of the glue.

    Yes I know there’s a reason they glued it, and yes its good that it is “user replaceable” to some extent, but I hope this pushes for easier replacement in the future.

    I would imagine that the battery cell manufacturers also play a role here, although I have absolutely no way to back this up so take it with a grain of salt. Because 99% of consumer mobile devices have glued in batteries, it is likely that Li-ion manufacturers have adjusted their supply chain to accommodate and make it less expensive for device makers to buy batteries that need to be glued. So it would be reasonable to assume if more companies need to switch to easily replaceable (read: not glued), the suppliers would shift to accommodate and stay competitive.

  • For anyone looking for a chair that doesn’t want to spend >$1000 or get a gaming chair, I recommend looking for an office furniture reseller in your area.

    There are a lot of shops that buy used furniture from companies either going out of business or moving.

    I was able to get a new Steelcase for like half the price, still had its tags and packaging. Granted this was during covid where a lot of businesses were dumping their in-office supplies, but still worth a look.

  • Yeah, the total direct monetary cost of maintaining low-density car-dependant cities is extremely high: road construction & maintenance, plumbing and electrical, parking lots taking valuable space that could be used for housing or workplaces, insurance for personal and commercial vehicles, maintenance and upkeep, gas, and probably many more I’ve missed.

    And on top of all of that, the externalized monetary costs are also high: medical costs from all the deaths or injuries due to collisions (the stats are honestly depressing), medical costs due to less physical activity across the population, environmental damage, time wasted due to traffic, slower delivery times for long-haul trucks, and probably many more I’ve missed.

    And on top of all of THAT the intangible costs are also high: isolation from the people and communities directly around you, less customers for small businesses that rely on foot traffic and have no parking space, increasing polarization between urban/suburban/rural populations, and probably many more I’ve missed.

    Side note for the people that still really need cars in their lives (workers in rural areas, people living in suburbs, etc.), pushing for better transit and city planning will directly benefit you. If less people have cars: gas prices will be lower (supply and demand), road construction and upkeep will be cheaper, traffic will be better for you directly, and more. I always fear that pro-transit, pro-urban planning folks (me included) come off as dismissive. There are definitely people who will still need cars in their lives. The goal is to catch the many millions of people who could probably replace their car usage if transit systems and cities were built better.

    People will always do what is easiest/best for them, we need to keep pushing towards systems that make sense.

  • YES this.

    Back when I was on Windows 10, I meticulously deleted all pre-installed crap (candy crush, Netflix, etc.), and turned off all tracking, ads, etc.

    About a month later they pushed a major update and all those pre-installed apps were back, with more. All the settings I turned off were reverted.

    I won’t ever go back. The only games I really can’t play are all online (League, etc.), and TBH good riddance. Wasn’t adding value to my life anyway.

  • Fair point, Dougie needs to fucking go.

    And for the record OF COURSE I care about other issues. Maybe my original comment was too extreme. There is no way I am going to vote for any rage-baiting, fear mongering, regressive asshole. If someone presented an amazing, ground-breaking housing plan but was also a neo-nazi I wouldn’t vote for them LMAO.

    I am just so tired of all the political theatre around housing. It just seems like a no-brainer that should cross party lines. The only people who don’t care are the people who are rich, or who are in the pockets of rich development/property management companies. Even the older generations who own a single home care, they probably have children who they know won’t ever be able to afford a home or pay a fair price to rent something.

  • Yeah, and rental prices have skyrocketed too.

    During the next federal election this will be my “single issue” that will determine who I vote for.

    At this point I can ignore our insane grocery/telecom prices, even though that is still a huge issue. The housing crises has far worse ripple effects down the chain: potential buyers can’t buy so they rent nicer places, potential renters can’t rent the nice places so they are overpaying for the rentals they can afford, and people who can’t afford any of the rental prices are scraping by with roommates or on the streets.

    And these development companies have the nerve to go to court over government investigations over their shady practices.


  • I think that there are definitely valuable/valid use cases for the software in the OP, but I think that the built in bash tools can get most people most of the way there. And learning the common bash/shell conventions is way more valuable than learning a custom tool that some distros/environments won’t support.

    If someone already uses aliases, creates some custom scripts, and sets some useful environment variables (along with effective use of piping and redirection) and still needs something more specialized, then getting a new tool could help.

    The downsides are a reliance on another piece of software to use the terminal. So I would only use something like this if I had a really solid and specific use case I couldn’t accomplish with what I already use.

  • I wouldn’t install a program for this if your use case is simple. You will end up relying on it when there are already some built in tools that can get you 99% of the way there.

    1. Bash scripts placed in ~/bin or ~/.local/bin
    • Can have simple or complex scripts setup to do whatever you want
    • Easily called from terminal or automated through cron or systemd
    1. Environment variables set in -/.bashrc
    • Great for storing common paths, strings, etc.
    • Can be easily incorporated into bash scripts
    1. Aliases set in ~/.bashrc
    • Ideal (IMO) for common commands with preferred options
    • for example you could setup your most used rsync command to an alias: alias rsync-cust=“rsync -avuP”

    Edit: rephrased to not discount the tools shared. I am sure if you had a specific reason to use them they could be helpful. But I think for many users the above options are more than enough and are supported pretty universally.

  • Yeah I saw a post about it a long time ago on Reddit for users with lots of devices

    Basically it is just setting up one or two “central devices” that know all the client devices, but not linking the client devices individually.

    IE: One server is connected to your phone, laptop, tablet, desktop, etc. But the phone is not directly connected to your laptop or desktop or tablet.

    To be fair I don’t actually know if this is the best approach anymore or if just connecting all of them in a mesh is better 🤷

    Here is a forum post describing it.