Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 30th, 2024


  • Alright, so, the other proof that I promised:

    If we define 0.999… as the sum of the series 9/10+9/100+9/1000+…, then for every neighbourhood U(1) it is true that there exists a metric ball B_N = B(1, 1/10^N), where N is natural, such that B_N is a subset of U(1).

    For all natural n > N it is true that d(sum(9/10^k) for k from 1 to n, 1) = |1 - sum(9/10^k) for k from 1 to n| = |1/10^n| = 1/10^n < 1/10^N, meaning that for all natural n > N it is true that sum(9/10^k) for k from 1 to n is in B_N, meaning that it is also in U(1).

    However, sum(9/10^k) for k from 1 to n is the nth partial sum of the series 9/10+9/100+9/1000+…, which, together with the fact that every such sum is in U(1) for n > N, means that 1 is the limit of the sequence of the partial sums of the series 9/10+9/100+9/1000+…, meaning that 1 is the sum of that series. That means that 0.999… is 1 by definition.

  • I am going to note that this was not well-expressed when you said ‘we can just pretend to have “reached infinity” and work with like any number’. To a lay person it would look as if you were suggesting that we non-rigorously treat one object (like the sequence (0.9, 0.99, 0.999,…)) as another (like the real number that that sequence converges to given the standard topology of the space of real numbers).