• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • CarPlay and Android Auto aren’t car OSes though, they’re merely an infotainment interface. You still need a way for the user to check the tire pressure, choose between sports mode and eco mode… Cars manufacturers could just implement the basics and let CarPlay/Auto do the rest but in that case anyone that doesn’t have a compatible phone is stuck without infotainment, same if you run out of battery.

    CarPlay and Auto being so good is somewhat to blame for first party interfaces being that bad though: why spend litteral millions on look and feel if you know the users who care won’t be using it

  • I think it’s canon that wether in DnD or PF anyone can learn arcane magic if they take the time to do so (and they have a way to pay for it, most people can’t afford to not work for 5-10 years)

    The thing is, even if someone has the money and the time maybe they don’t want to spend it, especially if magical scrolls/wands can let you cast spells fairly easily.

    To me it’s the same thing as saying to some kid “you can learn to be a robotics engineer and in 5-10 years and $100k of debt you’ll be able to make robots that can do anything for you, including being strong” and the kid just replies “That’s cool, but I think I’ll just go to the gym thank you”

  • That’s a very old post but yeah, it is, so is Ghidra (a retro-engineering tool). A lot of people have had the exact same argument of “the NSA made it, it has to be evil!” but lots of security people dissected the code (the fact that it was made by the NSA probably made more people look through it in fact) and no backdoor has ever been found in years. It’s safe to use.

  • I just realized I’ve totally forgotten to post about my own characters!

    Right, so the character I’m currently playing isn’t really that weird but has a few quirks: mainly, he’s a Tarot Mage and he’s trying the get the 5 Tarot Summoning metamagics. It’s especially not that great cause he has the Arcana mentor spirit, so he didn’t have a choice for his first two metamagics, meaning he’ll have to get to Initiate Level 7 (!) just to be able to possibly call a dragon to the team’s position… Definitely not the best use of Karma, but I live for the randomness! He’s also has a very weird way to be strongly-willed: as an Ogre with Exceptional Attribute, he has a Willpower of 8. His way of being so strong willed is to always let go, he’s the most zen person you’ll ever see. He figures if Destiny is already written then why try to force things, just go with the flow.

    I have another character already built for a mini-campain we’ll hopefully start soon enough, he’s a three eyed gnome, from a family of farmers in Tír na nÓg. He decided to run with his brother (another character in the campain) since their family of 8 rejected them (my character for having 3 eyes, the other character for being too big (he’s a dwarf)). He’s a 4 RES technomancer with the technoshaman stream and a love for explosive shotgun shells. He’s a christian and a strong believer at that, he believes resonance is how God integrates into the Matrix and he sees all his sprites as Angels, making good use of “Machine Angels” that help him shoot better through their divine intervention. As a technoshaman he has a Sprite Pet which he sees as his guardian Angel.

  • When in doubt, I always try to get some inspiration from action movies since I always immagined Shadowrun as basically the TTRPG version of them. For instance, you could do a “heist montage” where your players make a single test one after the other, and the number of “rounds” is a function of the run’s difficulty. After each roll, you say something like “Echo manages to hack the server, deactivating the doors’ bioscanners, the whole group gets in” without really getting too much into how they did it

  • One way would be to have him very differently with the runners compared to basically any other NPCs:

    • Since he’s head of security and he was raised by MCT he probably knows everyone in his team personally, maybe some of them would be people he’d call his friends. Maybe he has the occasion of saying goodbye to a colleague, and as he’s one the verge of breaking down the colleague doesn’t quite understand why he’s making a scene since they’ve been saying goodbye for each other for 35 years now. Maybe he has a moment when he leaves the armory when he remembers all that happened here, maybe he refuses to leave without the drone that saved his life… You know, show that he cares about people, about places and things
    • When he talks to the runners, have him be as cold as possible, if the runners argue or don’t seem coordinated enough have him give snarky comments. If the runners’ lives are in danger have him not care at all and leave them behind…

    For that added bit of realism if you have metas in your group have him stop mid-sentence while saying some anti-meta comments, to represent how his son is slowly changing him.

  • Streit: A fucking claw went through the door, quick, smoke it up before it comes back!

    The elf stands up and walks out of the field, muffled insectoid cries ring out before falling silent. Whitemane reappears in the field, a drop of blood pearling at his nostril.

    Whitemane: It’s done. How are you feeling ? You’re… pale… I mean, more than usual…

    Streit: Can you look at my arm? It’s not responding as usual. I think it leaked on my armor too.

    Whitemane: Yeah, give me a sec…

    The elf lifts a piece of fabric 40cm below the camera, an expression of keen concern can be read on his face.

    Whitemane: Shit… Rosen, it’s not a leak, you got hit in the ribs… You’re bleeding… Quite a lot of blood actually. I… I’m sorry, I can’t…

    Streit: I know, your magic doesn’t work like that, don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Get my bag, I have some gauze and thread, sew it up as best you can, we’ll finish this quickly.

    Whitemane: No Rosen, you don’t understand… It’s a very ugly wound, there’s a lot of sharp pieces of shell in it…

    Streit: I’ll be fine, I just have to last a few hours, we’re bound to find a jet in the terminal, the nearest town isn’t far away so we’ll go to the hospital. Either they can patch me up or I’ll get a new torso haha…

    His laugh quickly turns into a gasp of pain.

    Whitemane: Ok…Mm… Y… You’re right, I’ll do what I can and… we’ll avoid running, I’m sure it will be fine… Yeah, I… it’ll be fine.

    Whitemane shakes his head from left to right, more to convince himself than Streit. He gets up and brings the bag back before starting to stitch him up as best he can.

    Streit: What about my arm?

    Whitemane: Well… The whole elbow is in pieces, your forearm is on the floor, they’re only connected by a few wires.

    Streit: Shit. I guess it will be Colt for me. Come on, let’s move, we can’t waste any more time, we risk coming across other insects… Can you break down the door?

    Whitemane: I think so… A fireball will do, but it might make some noise…

    Streit: We already crossed that bridge. Let’s just just go upstairs as fast as we can, okay?

    The camera rises very painfully. A maintenance ARO appears as Streit deactivates the nerve signals in his arm before ripping the wires out and leaving his forearm on the floor.

    Streit: Thanks for the stitches, that should hold up.

    Whitemane: I did the best I could, please be careful, if you move you’ll bleed… Well, more at least… Just be careful please. Please, okay Rosen?

    Streit: Whitemane, once again, be careful with the names, it’s a pain to edit.

    Whitemane: I really don’t care just now, promise me.

    Streit: I…

    Streit pauses for a few seconds.

    Streit: I promise.

    Relieved, the elf turns towards the door and blue swirls start to come out of his hands. The screen goes white for a moment as a thud is heard.

    Streit: Damn, that was a lot of mojo, you okay?

    Whitemane: You said it yourself, we’re not here much longer.

    The elf hurriedly hides his slightly gray and smoking hands, the human does not seem to notice them. The camera rushes through the door as Streit steps over the pile of ashes on the ground before starting to climb the steps, one by one. A jerky breathing can be heard. The footsteps behind come closer as the elf puts the man’s arm around his shoulders.

    Whitemane: Come on, I’ll help you.

    The two metahumans climb 4 floors together and arrive in front of a new door, this one is ajar and opens onto a large office. Inside many lights have been destroyed and the room is lit only by desk lamps scattered. Streit is hanging by a thread, the camera moves up and down at an increasingly irregular rhythm.

    Streit: Say Whitemane?

    Whitemane: Yes Streit? What’s the matter?

    Streit: I don’t feel great… According to the intel I got the jets should be stored in level 75, so just 4 floors above. Can you give me two seconds and go prep a jet? Just find one, start it and come back and get me, okay? If you need an access card, we’ll probably find one in this office.

    Streit staggers and falls to his knees. The elf seems very hesitant, he has a worried look towards the camera.

    Whitemane: I’m not sure it’s a good idea to leave you alone, you’ll lose too much blood and…I…I don’t know if we can bring you back if you lose consciousness.

    Streit: It will be fine… Plus we all have to die some day…

    The elf now has a hard look, full of animosity.

    Whitemane: I forbid you to play that card, do you hear me? What are you planning to do? Do you want to be the hero of the story? Save me by giving your life? Can for 2 seconds in your goddamn life you stop thinking you’re the main character!?

    Streit coughs up blood on Whitemane’s jacket.

    Streit: I’m not a fucking hero Whitemane.

    Whitemane: You’re repeating that like it’s going to make a difference! I… Rosen, stop fucking with me! Stop thinking you’re invincible and listen to people who wantto help you!

    Streit: Nah, you don’t understand… I don’t deserve to survive… In fact, I’ve never been anything but a bad influence for everyone… I never stopped pissing off Camel, I never really tried to be friends with Sun, I considered Alopex a pet I could charge the rent and you… Shit… Look what I did to you… All because I can’t control my dick, now we don’t even really know what we are, you You’re covered in my blood…I mean, shit, I pushed you to spend a hundred thousand fuckin’ nuyen just because I wanted a big car, I’m just a toxic bastard who thinks he’s the hero, I pushed people around me to leave and now I’m risking the life of the guy who means the most to me… I’m a piece of shit, professional my ass. I’m sure from the first minute being stuck here with me you’ve regretted being here, I know I regret making you stay.

    Whitemane: Rosen…I came here of my own free will…Look, we’ve run out of time here, you’re still losing blood…Listen, I’m transferring a few things to you ok? It’s my voice so I want you to focus on it, okay? It’s a journal let’s say. Listen to it and you’ll see I’m here because you matter for me, so you better listen till the end and hold on until I come back, understand?

    The elf wipes away a tear and repeats, shouting.

    Whitemane: Got it?!

    Streit: I… I understood… I will listen and stay alive, I promise you.

    [Neue Dateien erhalten: Log_11.maf Log_53.maf Log_62.maf Log_63.maf Log_104.maf]

    Without wasting a second, the elf rushes up the stairs, nearly slipping on the first step. Footsteps become more and more distant.

    Streit: Alright… gotta stay awake… Commlink, open Log_11.maf.

    Log_11.maf: Finally. I’ve just set up my mattress, I’ve asked Streit to go and take care of things… I know he means well, of course, but…

  • Videostream1.mvf - Erstellt um 23:59 am 30.09.2080

    A right hand closes an ARO, the camera points to a tired-looking elf, even his threadbare clothes and harsh expression can’t hide his charm. He is on all fours in a small metallic corridor of 1m by 1m but does not seem to be hampered in his movements. He finishes tying up his white hair before shouting directly at the camera, his voice echoing slightly.

    Whitemane: …what are you doing Rosen?? This is not the time to play with your link!

    Streit: I know. But we’re in the tower, if we learn something I have to record it, otherwise the Johnson might cause problems. Just let me configure the backup, that all data is sent if my link goes down.

    Another ORA appears, the human selects several matrix identifiers and confirms. The voice of the elf calms down, it takes on a softer tone, but also firmer.

    Whitemane: You piss me off when you’re right.

    Streit: And don’t use my first name in public please.

    Whitemane: In public? We’re in an air duct Streit, who’s gonna hear us? And more importantly, who’s gonna get it something to do now?

    Streit: It’s just a matter of principle… It inspires me to write a poem but…

    Whitemane: Streit, I usually like your poems a lot, you know that, but this is really not the time.

    Streit: My genius is misunderstood.

    The camera turns around and begins to move forward, we see Streit’s hands appear on screen from time to time, two mismatched cyber hands that ring lightly against the side of the conduit with each touch. 7 minutes pass before the camera pops out of an air vent, turning to help the elf. The runners are in an open space office. There is no sign of combat or destruction, but the chairs have not been put away. We hear a slight noise in the distance and the voice behind the camera begins to whisper.

    Streit: What is that?

    Whitemane: No idea, come on, better not stay here…

    The camera moves slowly between the seats before entering another almost similar room, then another. The voice speaks slightly louder.

    Streit: Looks like we’re somewhat lost… Can you send a spirit to get an elevator or some stairs?

    Whitemane: Mmm, not sure they enjoy hanging out here… But I can try

    Slight image distortion is detectable around the individual’s hands.

    Whitemane: And there he went.

    Streit: In those moments, the cinnamon smell is just too much, you know.

    The elf’s jaw twitches

    Whitemane: I can’t control it Streit, we’ve already talked about it twenty times.

    Streit: Mmm.

    Whitemane: …He just came back, he told me we need to move forward a few rooms. He also told me that he prefers not to be around too long, he has a history with the Invae.

    Streit: I’m not surprised. We will try to bring spirits only if we really need them then. Come on, let’s move.

    The team moves forward and opens the door. On the other side a giant insect is visible, it turns towards the door while the camera sticks against the wall and the barrel of an assault rifle enters the frame. At the first shot a warning is displayed at the top of the screen: Schallpegel zu hoch, Mikrofon gesichert. A few bullets are fired before the cannon leaves the frame.

    Streit: Shit, are they already inside??

    Whitemane: Calm down Streit, if we shout we will attract more. Maybe it didn’t get into the building, maybe it escaped from a lab.

    Streit: Yeah, I’m not too sure about that. Shit ! Approaching !

    Other insects come through the door. The camera takes cover and loses sight of the elf as several volleys of bullets are fired at the insects and hybrids. The enemy seems to be gaining ground until a fireball arrives from the right at several hundred km/h before exploding, sending much of the furniture in the room flying. Streit is knocked to the ground as a bug enters the frame and spit on the human’s chest. A gun enters the frame and the insect is reduced to a pulp. Streit then gets up painfully.

    Streit: Damn… Whitemane is everything fine, are you hit?

    A voice is heard on the right, outside the frame.

    Whitemane: Just a headache, it’ll pass.

    The elf comes out of his cover, his hair is slightly disheveled.

    Streit: Be safe, okay?

    Whitemane: I’ll be careful. How are you ?

    The camera points downwards, a puddle of acid can be seen stuck on the armor’s torso piece. Streit grabs a napkin left next to a moldy meal on a desk and wipes himself.

    Streit: My armor took a squirt of acid but it seems to be holding up, other than that no problem.

    Whitemane: Well, we can continue then.

    Streit: Alright, better not hang around anyway. We just need to find some data and we’re looking for a way out. Come on, let’s take the stairs.

    The camera moves faster through the rooms before finding a stairwell, inside the number 3 can be seen. The steps are first climbed three by three, then from the 5th floor only two by two. The breath of the two runners becomes heavier and heavier, from the 15th floor, they begin to take breaks. The ascent takes 15 minutes.

    Streit: Fucking…Hell…Floor…Sixty…Seven…Let’s…take a break.

    Whitemane: Phew… Yeah…

    Whitemane pulls two canteens of water from his bag and hands one to the cyberhand outstretched in front of the camera.

    Streit: Oh shit… I forgot… mine…

    Whitemane: I know…

    The two sit on a step side by side and slowly catch their breaths over 4 minutes.

    Streit: You okay?

    Whitemane: Yeah, I think it’s okay. The headache is starting to go away, I should be fine.

    Streit: So here we go. The levels above must be accessible by specific stairs, the kind that only lets in execs. If we have to, we’ll enter with brute force, it won’t make much more noise than the shots on the ground floor.

    Streit opens the door slowly and finds himself face to face with a 1m-large fly at the withers.

    Streit: Ah shit, contact!

    The fly explodes under the first volley, before being replaced by another and a cockroach, then a very large flying ant. As soon as the opportunity arises the two runners come out of the stairwell and run to the offices, Streit knocks one down with a kick and the elf follows him to cover. The fight lasts 51 seconds, Streit reloaded twice.

    Streit: There are really a lot of them, they must have flown there, there’s no way there’s a lab there, right? Shit, already spent 3 magazines… 130 bullets, roughly…

    The camera turns to the floor behind the table, completely covered with remains.

    Streit: We need to reach the executive staircase as soon as possible, these assault aren’t stopping any time soon. You got my six?

    Streit turns to the mage, he holds his temples and lets the question hover for a few seconds.

    Whitemane: …Yes, yes, I’m right behind you.

    There’s a pause, the microphone picks up Streit’s mouth opening for a moment, before closing and the camera heads towards the “Executive Stairs” signs. After a few minutes of checking each room methodically, Streit arrives in front of a large red armored door, barred horizontally and vertically with steel beams. The right cyberhand rests on a box: “Emergency Override”. Streit seems to hesitate again before turning to the elf.

    Streit: Okay, Whitemane, can you cover me? I’ll try to open the door without making too much noise.

    Whitemane: I’ll handle. Focus on you.

    Streit turns back to the box and smashes the front with his knife, the latches preventing the mechanism from opening can be seen inside. Streit’s hand lifts the latches and slides the deadbolts to release the steel bars. As he bends to lift the vertical bars, the camera falters.

    Streit: Holy shit!

    Whitemane: Streit? Streit, are you okay? What happened ?

    Whitemane walks into the frame, he looks distraught.