Voidance [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024

  • Ultimately I know and agree with this. But the implication frightens me. When I look at the West it seems like the conditions for revolution, - I suppose for a widespread class consciousness - are very distant. Things would have to get much worse before people understand that capitalism can’t be saved. And people will have to lose a lot more before their ready to fight for something new.
    And with climate change and all the other ticking time bombs, it will get worse. But fascism is already here. And this wedge issue of immigration won’t go away. Climate change will cause unprecedented movement of peoples. And the West is already primed to blame their economic hardships on immigrants. So fascism is already stronger and more organised than we are, and the conditions it thrives in are only going to increase.
    Maybe once boomers depart the stage then this kind of racism and chauvinism will lose some of its momentum. I hope so.

  • I always imagined I would stand out (former ‘gifted’ child type), and so when as an adult life really overwhelmed me and got the better of me I felt (and suppose I still do feel) quite a bitter disappointment at my anonymity. Actually something that’s been useful trying to shift that perspective is thinking about Marx’s idea of ‘species-being’, rather than conceiving of myself in a kind of isolated and unique egotism.

  • No, he isn’t. His weird politics is explained by radlib free speech brainworms, which you would expect from someone running a project like Wikileaks. I suppose technically Wikileaks could be used by the US or other government selectively leaking to them, but in the case of the US anything they want leaked they can just give to a totally compliant media anyway, so I don’t think this has ever been the case (possibly Russia did selectively leak Clintons emails to WL though).
    The media payed attention to WL’s stories - when they were leaking major shit they were getting more website hits than major media organisations anyway, so the MSM had no choice but to pay attention.
    US intelligence made plans to assassinate Assange, there is no plausible way he is an asset.

  • Well yeah did you think redditors would be the vanguard?
    Boomers are a real thing because in a general sense they did well out of capitalism, at least in the sense of being upwardly mobile. They have a vested interest in protecting the status quo. And so they’ve fallen prey to all kinds of media propaganda because it ultimately serves their interests. And - again in a general sense - they have enormously greater wealth than other generations, which is just an objective/statistically provable fact. So analysis based around Boomers is not automatically bullshit.
    There is no real difference in my experience (real world at least) between Millenials and gen z apart from small incidental cultural differences, which mostly just relate to gen z having become too online at an earlier age than Millenials did.
    In so far as a lot of Millenials remain disappointingly radlib/ non-Marxist socialists, well it’s probably just an effect of being so close to the most materially successful generation that capitalism ever produced. They imagined their lives would be even better, and many of them are still wedded to the idea that we can turn back the clock to the old 60s style social democracy and save capitalism from itself.