I’ve forgotten almost everything from the original so that ending kind of shook me. That was a heavy slice, and I feel bad for Akane…
I’ve forgotten almost everything from the original so that ending kind of shook me. That was a heavy slice, and I feel bad for Akane…
I actually laughed out loud when that guy started malding at the end.
Also, Duke really feels like he’s detracting from the story more than he’s adding like others pointed out but I hope he does end up getting better.
Based on some stuff I heard, the next 19 chapters are done or almost done, but he’s “not on” a weekly schedule anymore, whatever that means.
Same 😔, I wonder if there’s lots of raws already.
Started reading these villainous manga like a crack addict last week and just got to this one yesterday. It’s actually pretty good, although there still seems to be a lot of plot to cover like 90% of the other ones too lol.
I definitely see where the premeditated part makes us really question how much it could be classified as self-defense, but it’s also hard to imagine how these women would choose to act when they think that death is all but certain in the near future and any option that doesn’t result in the abusers death leaves a huge opening for retaliation.
Maybe better domestic violence laws could help more, but based on how the article describes our current situation that might require a lot more time and change to achieve.
There’s also this YouTube channel from Reb Masel (Delivery might not be for everyone, but contents are coherently argued IMO) who goes over a really similar case in the ‘stand your ground’ episode. It really is just a shitty situation to be in though.
Women are in a lot better now and I will get back in town.
What would you recommend for plane flights or travel especially, I haven’t tried many noise cancelling headphones but the few I tried for a short test run had this sort of “pressure” when the noise cancelling was on which I found a bit uncomfortable.
I usually use open backs at home since I find the listening experience most comfortable, but obviously that doesn’t work with noise cancelling so I’ve got no clue what’s best.
What about the children who can only afford a bedroom. Tough luck I guess.
Yeah, these newfangled password requirements ruined my life. I refuse to sign up for any website that doesn’t let me use hunter2.
This is also how I feel every time I scroll by it. Positive thinking lol, although I’ll probably get the paid version soon.
For real, might be my top series this season despite what I initially thought was a pretty meh premise.
The obsession with school water quality is a pretty funny character trait as well.
I managed to quit RAG for good but I didn’t even know this guy had another series… doing the lord’s work summarizing that for us lol
Gonna be hard to match the quality of the manga’s art but I hope the adaptation is good if they go through with it.
Damn, I’ve been reading their translations for a long time and honestly good on them for getting to a spot where translations don’t need to be the only thing they do.
It’s impressive we’ll still be getting so many series from them too.
That teacher got good bribes 🤤
Soo… What underwear are actually worth buying then? It doesn’t seem like there are too many recommendations.
😃😃😃 reading this is like enlightenment
Yeah I would expect them to explain what happened, just caught up to this and it feels like that collapse just came out of nowhere