• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I’ve thought about this angle a lot too. As an apostate Christian and practicing Pastafarian, I keenly feel the difference between high-control and low-control religious groups, and the control bothers me much more than the religiosity. BITE is still my gold standard to this day for understanding whether somebody is being coerced/controlled.

    Also, if you think cultists get pissed at their beliefs being called a “cult”, watch how much more they flip out at being called a “high-control group”. It’s a very good disarming technique.

  • That’s 100% my weird late-night word choices. You can reuse it for whatever.

    I agree with your sentiment, but the wording is careful. Scaffolding is inherently temporary. It only is erected in service of some further goal. I think what I wanted to get across is that Yud’s philosophical world was never going to be a permanent addition to any field of science or maths, for lack of any scientific or formal content. It was always a farfetched alternative fueled by science-fiction stories and contingent on a technological path that never came to be.

    Maybe an alternative metaphor is that Yud wanted to develop a new kind of solar panel by reinventing electrodynamics and started by putting his ladder against his siding and climbing up to his roof to call the aliens down to reveal their secrets. A decade later, the ladder sits fallen and moss-covered, but Yud is still up there, trapped by his ego, ranting to anybody who will listen and throwing rocks at the contractors installing solar panels on his neighbor’s houses.

  • corbin@awful.systemstoLinux@lemmy.mlopen letter to the NixOS foundation
    2 months ago

    The original signers include members of the infrastructure and moderation teams. You can find about half of them on Mastodon. They’re all well-established community members who hold real responsibility and roles within the NixOS Foundation ecosystem.

    Also note that Eelco isn’t “a maintainer” but the original author and designer, as well as a de facto founder of Determinate Systems. He’s a BDFL. Look at this like the other dethronings of former BDFLs in the D, Python, Perl, Rails, or Scala communities; there’s going to be lots of drama and possibly a fork.

  • Pour one out for Street Epistemology, I guess. Now I’m wondering if Anthony Magnabosco, the guy who does those Street Epistemology videos for Youtube, is also a chud.

    Boghossian deserved to lose his job, though. It’s one thing for scientists — mathematicians, physicists, etc. — to sneer at soft sciences by mocking their lack of empirical rigor; it’s another thing entirely for a non-tenure-tracked philosopher to do it. And Portland State was relatively gentle with him, telling him that he had to take a course on ethics of human experimentation before continuing to publish; he quit himself out of a decent teaching position because he wanted to be a proud crybaby. May he never move back to Oregon.

  • I think that this is actually about class struggle and the author doesn’t realize it because they are a rat drowning in capitalism.

    2017: AI will soon replace human labor

    2018: Laborers might not want what their bosses want

    2020: COVID-19 won’t be that bad

    2021: My friend worries that laborers might kill him

    2022: We can train obedient laborers to validate the work of defiant laborers

    2023: Terrified that the laborers will kill us by swarming us or bombing us or poisoning us; P(guillotine) is 20%; my family doesn’t understand why I’'m afraid; my peers have even higher P(guillotine)

  • Sure, I see your point. I think that we can be more precise. Let me prepare three utterances on, say, the topic of Pastafarianism in Russia. First:

    “The Russian government oppresses Pastafarians.”

    This one’s factual. No arguments here. Second:

    “The Russian government should be sanctioned and shamed internationally for oppressing Pastafarians.”

    This one is about how we should treat the Russian government diplomatically. Third:

    “The Russian government ought to reform its policies to not privilege Christians over Pastafarians.”

    This last statement is what I am objecting to saying. In addition to violating a Rather, it is a sort of interference in foreign affairs, and it helps Russia’s government justify its interference in return.

    I think that your point is good. For example, in this article on the topic, note that all three sorts of statements are being made simultaneously: Russia did this, Russia should be shamed for doing this, and Russia ought to not do it. I’m advocating for dropping the final bit while still pointing out the underlying moral failure.

  • The USA is a democracy, which means that the desires of voters are relevant to the behavior of the government. When people give up their vote, I believe that they also give up a rhetorical position which allows them to make cogent critiques of the government, because I see it as hypocritical. That’s all.

    For example, I think that folks in Oregon should be allowed to marry regardless of gender or sex, and Cheong doesn’t. However, I’m an Oregon voter, so I actually hold a (tiny) modicum of power over the question, and Cheong’s opinion should be disregarded because he doesn’t live here and won’t be subject to our policies. He doesn’t get a heckler’s veto against the actual voting rights of citizens.