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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I guess it’s “I don’t want to use fossil fuels but I don’t have an alternative. Give me an alternative! Don’t have one? Then I’ll keep using fossil fuels”

    In fairness though not using fossil fuels it’s something of a luxury at present. EVs are more expensive that non EVs. Maybe this will change but slowly. Home solar is very expensive and still doesn’t get you self sufficient in most cases. Power companies need to make the grid renewable to make it accessible to the average person for home power.

  • So basically upset that the press do their job??

    IMO the main reason for the press to exist is to hold people in power accountable for their actions. It doesn’t matter the lengths they go to to get the information or their motivation. There will always be press looking into politics on both sides of the spectrum and we as the public should be glad for it.

    You should not excuse bad behaviour just because they are on your team. You should encourage the press to do their job as long as they don’t go too far into harassment, distortion of the truth or digging up irrelevant personal details about someone that affect noone outside that someone.

    I really like the line “democracy does in darkness” because it is so true. Political figures who dislike the press generally have something to hide.

  • That would be putting words in my mouth.

    Firstly, I think that having been a justice, which is a very distinguished post , they would never have to worry about future employment, it would probably find them. I also think that a job for life means you don’t worry about scrutiny. You can do what you want almost without consequence because you don’t need to worry about what comes next. If no one can fire you, and you don’t need to worry about people being happy with your performance, you can be free so act however you want. In your own interest. In the interest of some benefactor, or should you choose to, in the interest of the people.

    Second, I did not say youthfulness it’s important. There is a vast gulf between youthful and aged. I don’t want a 20 year old justice and more than a 70 year old one.

    Lastly, expanding it would be great. No arguments here.

  • While experience is clearly an important job qualification for a judge, at some point their experience is from a different era. At the beginning of her training the world was a very different place, but she now applies her experience from that era to cases today. I don’t mean to say her experience is entirely irrelevant, just that the old have to give way to the young if progress is to be made. These guys should have age limits if not term limits. At the very least there should be a known point in time that they need to be replaced so that political games cannot be played with their appointments.

  • A long time ago in a galaxy far away, I would have bought a Tesla. I thought the model S was a nice looking car, (still do) the company ideology seemed very good. Musk came across as a shy, reluctant spokesperson, and I bought the marketing and altruistic motives they espoused back then. Fast forward to now. Musk is definitely not who I thought he was. The “pedo guy” moment was when I realised I’d been duped. Teslas are not as well built as I thought they were. I read the story about the model S breaking the car crusher during safety testing with awe. Now everything I read is about Teslas veering into oncoming traffic, having windscreen wipers you have to access through a touch screen menu and shit like that. Trimming away features like LIDAR etc and using only visual cameras. Etc etc. Tesla is definitely not a company that cares about things beyond money. I was naive to believe otherwise but I guess I wanted to believe there are companies that actually do want to use their position for good.

    The way Tesla treats their employees shows in the build quality of the cars they produce. Unhappy workers care less about the product quality than happy ones.

    A tow truck driver who was towing my car said to me, “it could be worse, you could have a tesla”. He went on to tell me that of all electric cars he sees Teslas are the least reliable (in his experience).

    There are now many reasons I would not buy a tesla. Musk himself is definitely on the list. I feel foolish for having fallen for an expertly executed marketing campaign not just around Tesla, but also Musk himself, and I kind of resent him for that too.