hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]

I’ll wake up to socialism someday :)

Read Free Software, Free Society pls

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2024


  • Well as I understand it whiteness isn’t an actual ethnicity, but a relation to power in the imperial core. Italians, Irish, Germans, Polish etc. were slowly enveloped into whiteness in the 20th century if they maintained the status quo of the West even though they were the target of varying amounts of discrimination.

    I’m sure putin-wink could tell an hour long history of how European nations have always othered Russia and other Eastern European nations but I doubt Russians have ever really been accepted into Whiteness, especially not the ethnic minorities. Russia is just not in the West international-community-1 international-community-2

  • I think a lot of NK media is just drowned out by the barrage of low-effort anti-communist propaganda. It has to do with the country’s lack of digital infrastructure compared to South Korea. You just can’t spend the same amount of resources like capitalist shitholes like Japan and South Korea on soft power if you’re under heavy sanctions so they choose carefully choreographed news pieces instead.

    If technology can only be rationed to people who live in cities or on waiting lists then you can’t post harder than a society where everyone has a phone and has been conditioned by decades of dictatorship and corruption to accept capitalist rule without question and have been trained to glamorize capitalism in literally every facet of their lives. Even in their depression and horrible pain like this article.

    The BBC can point at the gaping holes of South Korea and call it “Confucianism haha” while those similarly sized holes in North Korea become proof of the failure of communism. parenti-hands “nonfalsifiable anti-communist orthodoxy”

  • The only thing connecting each tiny room at the Happiness Factory to the outside world is a feeding hole in the door.

    If I wrote this in my novel I would be teased for being too corny, but to Occupied Korea this is just an average day.

    I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to be a shut-in and instead of anyone helping you materially they sell your parents a ticket to experience a superficial facsimile of your depression.

    "In Korea, parents often express their love and feelings through practical actions and roles rather than verbal expressions,” Prof Jeong says.

    “Parents financing their children’s tuition fees through hard work is a typical example of a Confucian culture that emphasises responsibility."

    Thank you sociology Prof Jeong Go-woon, see, this “loneliness” stuff is because Koreans are just a different race with a unique racial culture.

    South Korea has some of the highest suicide rates in the world and last year, its government unveiled a five year plan aiming to address this.

    Ministers announced there would be state-funded mental health check-ups for people aged 20-34 every two years.

    Wow! 2.5 mental health checkups in 5 years! Why didn’t I think of that?

    In Japan, the first wave of young people isolating themselves, in the 1990s, has led to a demographic of middle-aged people dependent on their elderly parents.

    More orientalism that is used in place of actual materialist analysis to subdue people. “Those dang Japanese and Good Koreans work too hard, it’s in their blood”

    The BBC should be beaten to death with a stick before it hurts more people. kim

  • liberals are mind confuzzling but they’re also not. There’s this one FOSS dev whose mastodon I skim through (for updates on projects he’s leading) and today he’s just boosting posts like “Trump was able to lie and not get fact-checked and Biden is just old” and “save American democracy” and I always thought it was weird until he made a post describing how he as a lmayo was born and raised in Alabama and was taught that there are heroes and villains and the villains want to take democracy away and the heroes (usually msm approved black radicals like Rosa Parks and MLK) gave us democracy.

    He’s surrounded by people with zelensky-navi in their usernames so I shouldn’t be surprised. It sucks because their USian liberal worldview permeates through everything and it always feels like you’re being talked down to.

  • I’m convinced that the show was supposed to be an original story but in order for execs to sign on anything it has to be tied to an existing product/brand. So we end up with a wildly different tone but dressed in recognizable branding.

    No need to pay script writers to revise drafts or costume/set designers for new designs. Just rename characters and make it vaguely like the source material.

    It really felt like game of thrones when the brother and sister leads go to somewhere called “the cave of lovers”.

  • Childrens programming, especially if it has gone on for long enough can radically change in tone/execution and the show in the movie has run for 5 seasons. But I personally think the Pink Opaque of Isabel and Tara never existed but were used as a way for Owen to disengage from their gender noncomformity. When Maddie returns, she asks Owen if they remember the Pink Opaque and the emphasis on memory can be due to Owen memory hole’d trans experience which get painfully dug up.

    I mean, who hasn’t lived out their queerness in derivative media/fanfics? I personally head canon the tapes that Maddie sends as tapes of her acting out her own version of the show or something like that since queerness is so tied to self expression and creativity.

    One part of the movie I really hated was how Isabel acted toward her caregivers/Owen treats their parents. Also the fact that Owen being half black is never touched upon. Race and transness intersect really hard so it was odd that it never came up (though Justice Smith is an incredible actor and played his role of repressed egg to near perfection). I also didn’t like Maddie/Tara, I think her character was too melodramatic for me personally. But thats probably due to the fact that the movie captures the trans zeitgeist of the 90s and early 2000s where transness was near invisible in western society unlike today (mashallah)