• 11 Posts
Joined 4 days ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • Biden won by running more left than he was. Even if you think entire public is behind diminishing Russia and China, just because there’s a bipartisan consensus for it, the economic damage caused by Ukraine war and lying about the causes of the economic damage is a certain weight on DNC. The pure demonic evil of neocon empire, but no one talking about it, still finds its way into brainless voters’ bones.

    Winner will be based on turnout. Enthusiasm and hope gets missed when DNC feels like a fundraising organization that got its dream opponent, and still failed to run away with the election. The “more right” solution is just certain collapse of US and any faith in democracy or zionist media that genuinely favours the most zionist candidate, when genocide is so easily at reach.

  • Zelensky, to his credit, needs to not be JFK’d by the nazi ruling contingent. He is a pleasant front for US nazi support. Nazi ideology/hatred in Ukraine is focused on USSR descendent ethnic Russians. Republicans are defending Trump’s praise of Hitler and his desire for those types of generals as “He has jewish friends, is Netanyahu’s favorite, and has a jewish daughter”.

    In addition to Ukraine official account praising this specific nazi monster, Ukraine’s nazi rulers made a national holiday after Stephen Bandera in 2019. Zelensky doesn’t deny Ukraine’s nazi problem. “It is what it is” is his response.

  • Russia doesn’t own Russian speaking Ukrainians. Russia has neither the duty nor right to invade to “protect” Russian speaking minorities in any country.

    NATO decided in 90s that ethnic Albanians were being abused with less overt evidence, and intervened on humanitarian basis. Russia got west to admit to Ukraine nazi problem in Minsk accords. Zelensky campaign platform was based on peace/autonomy in Donbas according to Minsk accords, and on denazifying/stopping the paramilitaries. Russia made every effort for peace. Peace was never an option for US.

  • US led a coup in 2014. Afterwards, new leaders imposed apartheid laws against ethnic Russians including cancelling pension for ethnic Russians. Leaders also set national holidays for its ww2 nazi heroes. The east of the country/Donbas is where most Russians are. Crimea was liberated, but Donbas only asked for autonomy within Ukraine. US armed, nazi paramalitaries, best known being Azov battalion, shelled and raided Donbas killing about 5000 between 2014 and 2022. They were attacked for daring to demand the same rights they had always had as Ukrainians, and that the new US/Nazi regime was not something worth submitting to.