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Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • Cognitive disabilities are a thing. Accommodating for them would be a good thing.

    Not that that’s the intended purpose of that AI, probably, but if it can simplify the form without twisting the content*, it could be a great tool to make complex works more approachable. It’s not necessarily a question of “can they understand it” as much as “can they be arsed to read it”. I know plenty of people that just straight up didn’t read one of the books relevant for our finals and just skirted through with guides laying out the things you were supposed to know. The book wasn’t necessarily impossible to understand, but so tedious to dig into they just couldn’t muster the motivation.

    I don’t know how many books worth reading for their point remain unread by people who didn’t find the wrapping around that point appealing. Simplification may help them, even if it butchers the artful use of language others enjoy.

    *The issue I’m concerned about is that the content may be inadvertently twisted in the process of being parsed and rephrased by an AI with no actual sense for the semantics. Who would notice? Would you have someone proof-read it? What about repeat queries of the same book? Would you assemble a library of simplified books?

    At that point you might as well make manually supervised “translations” into simpler language that take care to preserve the point, can be written once and revised when language shifts. You’d still get the benefits, but also be less dependent on an AI doing a good job.

  • Beim Malen liegt das daran, dass die Farb-schluckenden Pigmente sich mischen. Wenn ich die roten (blau-grün schluckenden) Pigmente mit blauen (rot-grün schluckenden) mische, reflektiert das Ergebnis weniger rot als rot und weniger blau als blau, und damit insgesamt dunkler.

    Weißt du bestimmt eh, aber vielleicht jemand anderes nicht.

  • Rück-Übersetzung der wörtlichen Übersetzungen für Deppen wie mich, die sonst erstmal ewig davor sitzen:

    Wenn man sowieso einen In-House-Jenkins hat, braucht man doch eigentlich kein Github, um die Pipeline anzustoßen. Höchstens ein Netzlaufwerk, auf das der Jenkins zugreifen kann. Merke gut: Man kann in jeden Git clone pushen.

  • If it’s five people throwing them, they’re terrorists. If it’s five million, they’re a problem. (Depending on the size of country and military, I’m pulling numbers out my arse to exemplify a point, not as accurate measures).

    Numbers matter. If you have enough people on your side and willing to join the throwing for your cocktails to make a difference, that might work for you. But if most of the populace are scared to lose more than they stand to gain, you’ll end up with the brave throwers arrested or killed, the media denouncing their “undemocratic” acts and possibly the people even more afraid to do anything.

    Any revolutionary movement will need to hit a point of critical mass that allows it to succeed. It’s hard to gauge just when that point is reached, but if you misjudge, you’ll end up another failed insurrection.

  • Peaceful protests build the sense of consensus and unity. Violent solutions can’t succeed without both popular support and enough participants to make a difference, but if everybody’s scared of standing alone they’re doomed. Sudden upheaval is likely to make more people oppose the change, because most people like stability.

    Peaceful protests that get gradually more frustrated are more likely to support more drastic measures than a sudden upheaval. Whether or not you believe peaceful protests will fix anything, they’re the best solution that’s viable right now.