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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • If everyone was being responsible, there would be a social net, a garbage sorter job, a garbage recycler employer, an ethical reasonable salary, and it would be a safe governed work environment, it would give dignity back to the downtrodden. People would reject corruption.

    Garbage dumps get set on fire, the fumes are toxic, medical waste gets thrown out and mixed in, people who are living on garbage dumps are in HELL. NO ONE SHOULD LIVE ON GARBAGE DUMPS!

    Set up NGOs and involve government orgs to regulate and oversee care and attention for these people.

    These things cannot happen in India because the indian population will not care. FUXK YOu GOT MINE is a typical indian mindset.

  • I live in India. I have 3 sorting bins. 1 composting organic waste bin, 1 non-recyclable plastics/glass bin, 1 recyclable plastics/metal/paper bin.

    I spent 3000 INR buying the composting organic bin ( to support the local business selling it and reusables about 1000 INR per year )

    I get back about 200 INR every 6months for going to local recyclers with roughly 2 to 5 kilos of metal + plastics.

    About 2 kilos of waste not-recycled every month total ( 2 people ) .


    Im sad my fellow humans do not understand what responsibility is like.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    3 days ago

    As an outsider, I havent ever seen 'Muricans give a flying-fuck about international repercussions from their actions foreign or domestic including their election/results.

    If DNC fail, RNC win. So for the next 50 years starting Dec2024 … we are going to see an 'Murican Dictatorship in action. Hunger Games for all.

    Good Job Y’all won the Pulitzer Darwin Nobel and every award there ever was and ever will be ! @#$@#@##@$#@@#@****

  • Oh I don’t know. Maybe the DNC can now be honest about choosing a popular candidate, and changing gears, and playing to win the election instead of whatever that was happening on stage during the debate.

    Drumpf can lie through his teeth and people will vote for him. At this point DNC doing even the most basic stuff. Cancel student debt. Not write-down tax savings, not low-interest maybe if you apply for these 50-form 100-hurdle govt-red-tape process. Cancel medical debt. Not ooooh we wont send you to jail if you dont pay for your medical bills garbage. Medicare-Medicaid for ALL NO EFFING EXCEPTIONS. Not all the BS of we made drug prices lower for some 10% or 5% of Medicare patients etc etc etc.

    The DNC don’t have any solid wins to talk about. This is why they can’t run adverts blasting the airwaves with their “Mission accomplished”.

    There is always some fine-print and wriggle-out-of-this-room in anything that the Corporate Dems have engineered so far.

    Biden was a stopgap for the next candidate. Remember? He promised that he wouldnt seek a second term? Liar much ? Stuff like this drives people mad. And mad people like to vote for Drumpf. Mad people want to watch the world burn.

    So y’all need to get into the DNC, torch the entire structure, find someone like Drumpf but exactly opposite, the very Jesus of Democracy and Values. Put that person as the nominee , vote for Demo-Jesus until the DNC party and elite literally are crying rivers of blood.

    That is what the Republizards have done to the RNC. Every RNC elite and power-monger better kiss Drumpf or they will be shit-canned.

  • Perhaps doing things within our sphere of influence, not putting her on a pedestal. I am not naive enough to believe politicians or powerful people actually care enough to change things around. Good for Greta for doing what she can in her life, but again this is real life and not fantasy. No single person is a hero. Collective action and activism requires participation and positive results.

    We are already past the point of return. All that is left is reducing the climate catastrophe length and duration.

    I predict,

    -2025 ---- we are going to see the first few degrees of sharp temperature rise.

    2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 ---- fighting the weather anomalies with no effect.

    -2030 ----- we might realise that nothing is working into reversing global climate fluctuations.

    2031 — 2040 ---- if politicians act globally ( work from home, ban on individual international travel, shipping fully electric + wind-powered )

    2041 ---- 2050 ---- Either previous decade effect is felt or chaos continues to buildup. Political will dies here. Dictatorships on the rise.

    2051 ---- 2060 ---- Either 2 decades effect is felt or chaos slows down. Do normal people even exist ? Millionaires + peasants.

    2061 ---- 2070 ---- Final 3 decades effect might start showing else chaos causes more issues. No one cares, everyone is infighting.

    2081 ---- ---- ---- ---- Human civilization either survives or wiped out. Earth climate settles into a new normal. Cockaroaches are the new emergent species.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon dislikes reddit
    7 days ago

    Also even when some are trolling, the up/down vote will not gain/lose attention for the troll. Trolls love attention.

    The lack of karma means participation is there not whether it is a troll or regular.

    Unless it is spam, almost no one is punished/rewarded for participating.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoTrans Memes@lemmy.blahaj.zoneno ragrets
    7 days ago

    Just because an Author has some bad takes doesn’t have to sour the franchise for you. On principle, you can move on and still carry the enjoyment of your experience. Chalk the author up as “gone cuckoo” or something and don’t spoil your initial reactions and interpretations.

    Life is all about what you feel, experience and reminisce over. And no one can take that from you. While facts cannot change, your feelings do evolve over time and something you can and should look forward to.

  • Silly me for pointing out that sensationalism and performance-activism hasnt done anything worth a dime or nickel to reign in the perpetrators of the climate catastrophe.

    If Greta or similar persons could get a climate science degree and perhaps a political or law education and work to take down the system from within, perhaps we could stand a chance.

    Spray-painting Van Gogh or the Stone Henge isnt solving anything. Neither is sailing around on a yatch around the world helping.

  • Soviet blocks are definitely better than urban sprawl when the maintenance and facilities are top-notch.

    Taking the single issue of Transportation pollution, when India was in lockdown during covid, we had pollution-free skies, and lo-and-behold the regular rains and normal weather patterns not seen for more than 40 or 50 years returned ! Human transport pollution is the worst in India.

    One of the first things Indian/foreign companies did was force workers to mandatorily return to office locations which increases transportation pollution by the bazillions as vehicles are needed to shuttle people, materials and maintenance for everything. And all these corporations talk the big talk of how ESG they are.