• 48 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • You specifically said Russia lost the battle of kiev and moved to belarus after the defeat. These skirmishes are nothing. Russian army was standing still for 2 weeks when they surrounded the suburbs of Kiev. I remember, our communist newspapers were reporting that Russian army was standing still because of an acute water crisis in Kiev and some negotiations happening in Turkey. After that negotiations, Russia pulled out from Kiev. Putin, Lavrov said several times why they did it (negotiations) long before these clowns and Israeli PM had any convo about peace agreement.

    Like many of your outdated takes , you can’t admit that you were wrong 😌🤣

  • I think the ukraine war was provoked to weaken and bleed Russia . It didn’t happen. Europe never had any independence since WW2. It always had close ties with the US but since the ukraine war, Europe has become a joke for the people of the 3rd world. As a person from 3rd world I have no sympathy for Europeans ans their cucked NATO left. German, French government supporting Israel have no shame either. Ukraine war has showed the 3rd world , US is just a paper tiger and the reign of tyranny by NATO and atlantic countries is over.

  • I’ve heard that some Hindutva types get around this by denying the Aryan invasions ever happened. Yes , they propagate aryans originated from India lol. I also think its a gross misunderstanding that Aryans “invaded” like they quashed every people , it might be plausible but how can these different languages of North India survive the onslaught of Sanskrit if the onslaught was massive. I think aryans rituals and norms got mixed up with local cultures and by these fusions a new society emerged which is vedic . There is a lot of confusion in that regard because southern people think (like here in the chat) Brahmins and upper caste don’t belong to India or a certain region. This is largely abhorrent and shouldn’t be practiced . India is largely mixed because of being a melting pot of different groups and people , Greeks , Kushans , Huns , Afghans , Turks , Babur all came and brought their culture and ethos . Indo aryans people brought their Vedas and theology. If we discard everything regarding Vedas ,Upanishads and the great epics then what should remain of India ? (the great dance , Indian classical music comes from Sama Veda )
    Another thing yes , caste system existed from middle to late vedic age and it exists till now. The caste system is inbuilt into Hinduism because of ignorance and feudal mode of production in ancient society . Modern hindu groups are denying these allegations and its horrendous to justify it.

    1. Shiva is a complicated god , he is destroyer of maya (avidya) or ignorance . Shivaism predates vedic religion and Siva mythologies and ethos were put into hindu puranas in late 600 CE. Shiva is actually not death but a man who won over maya (illusion of reality ) and he forever remains into this “bliss” state . He is poor , lives with ghosts , snakes , drinks poison . It is just to convey simple ethos and “brahman” is not with worldly pleasures and work. Brahman is gender less , formless , casteless and infinite. In Hinduism anything can be personal god (isharva) (some restrictions are obviously there ) . Shiva followers see Shiva as the absolute brahman , he has neither shape or gender (that what it is written by Sankara , he was a shivaite ) .

    2. Moksha means liberation from cycle of birth and dying , here Sankara is saying there is some higher plain which goes beyond traditional concept of previous rituals and understanding .