Flâneur, dilettante, and aesthete. Interested in the three Fs: Fauna, Flora, Funga (especially the latter), history, maps, and food. I also make Origami cranes and play the occasional game of chess.

  • 65 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • You’re are quite right of course. Two main weaknesses of these opinions polls, regardless of the methodology are:

    1. the outcome is based on the moment the question was asked and;

    2. the complex reality of voter behaviour is simplified by assuming that the change in support for each party from one election to the next is the same across all constituencies. Which fails to take into consideration the following:

    Regional variations, new candidates and Issues and finally tactical voting.

    So yeah in a nutshell these polls are utterly meaningless but in the absence of a crystal ball something is better than nothing, despite the crude nature of the something.

  • Thank you. You might find this of interest >> RHS - Ophrys apifera. My soil is fairly ‘alkaline’ and ‘loamy’. Although I reside in a major city the area I live in is essentially rural and so these wild flowers aren’t uncommon. That being said I used to only have one bee orchid every two years but recently I am having one every year and each year I am getting a number ‘colonies’. This year I have five clumps of bee orchids in the front lawn. Oddly, none have been spotted in the back, which is south facing. So I can only assume that these plants don’t thrive in direct sunlight.