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I have proof, I’ve been fighting for years. Every charge, every hospital stay, every police report. People are going to systematically charge every maga adjacent over the next 2 decades, and RICO laws will adapt. It’s okay to be scared, just leave the fighting to the fighters lol.
Edit: the excessiveness was because they thought I was building a bomb when in reality I was just programming and tinkering with electronics. They had to shut down the Park, the elementary school and evacuated 1000+ people because Ron DeSantis’ people took exception and demanded it.
I have a feeling you get banned from all sorts of shit
The truth comes out HaHAHAHAH HA AHHAHA
Everyone is trying to tell you what a problem you are
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So you saw someone ask “Does the sadness of rehoming a cat ever go away?” and then proceeded to not only ignore the question, but hijack the thread to complain about being a servant to a rich couple and how you don’t like that you don’t have any sway over their property or decisions. You probably get “blown off” by real people all the time. You are not a doormat: you are a doormat with the word “entitled” written across.
I filed a police report against them and got taken down by 2 dozen cops who shut down three square blocks to do so and ransacked my place. Spent two days in solitary before seeing a judge who, none the wiser of what LAPD had done, wiped my entire criminal record clean. LA cops, lawyers, and more were dog whistling their support, informing about new surveillance intricacies and how to proceed without raising alarms. They didn’t want to, but said they had to follow up to satisfy the little Hitlers.
Garland’s new policy on political threats, I think, is a major blow to conservatives, because they are more prone to self incrimination, impulsive escalation, and emotional reasoning. The fact it’s now a felony is a big deal; they are being brought to heel; it’s realpolitiks and I’m here for it. I know a man in New York got pinched yesterday for threatening MTG, but people with no priors used to be really powerful. Now, not so much.
Abbott and Desantis are cutting off the nose to spite the face and each stunt is just another truckload of evidence–sometimes literally. Tying the misleading brochures to the leaders is critical. Conservatives also are unaware of how far reaching digital forensics can be. If you think the repudiation of fascism will end with the downfall of MAGA, you’ve got another thing coming. And it’s going to look a lot like Nuremberg.
By the gods, were it to be so!
I would too so enjoy if, as if from some casement unseen, a pair of disembodied, godly hands were to reach down shoo away those br-r-rown masses from Albion and her sisters, to keep them pure!
It is a crime against Balthūre that they invented fascism in 2016!
In the meantime, I will be feasting for this day!
Main Character Syndrome
No body yet?
Edit: a finger has been identified as his
You have to have some skin in the game for that kind of cognitive dissonance. I think some are even resentful they can’t understand it. A 21st century cotton gin.
The one thing about Reddit I miss is they had quality control on some subreddits like askscience or askhistory, and insulting drivel like this was filtered out.
Chief of Staff Marshall was pushing a 3 bombs per months regimen Japanese intelligence was aware of. There were debates about whether to drop them weekly or all at once. Thankfully that didn’t have to happen.
Historical record endeavors to be factual; it is not your emotional toy-sword.
Who, Elon or Steve? /s