• 4 Posts
Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • GOG stands (or stood idk) against DRM measures, to which i would count gaming in a cloud with uncertainty if you would get your savefiles if you want to continue offline, therefor your possibility to play a game is bound to being online, etc.

    That said, you can still get all your games as offline installer. With cloud gaming they are trying their best to stay relevant / competitive in the market, so good for them. I still buy my games on GOG if it’s available, but won’t play in the cloud.

    Edit: The article states that the DRM-free aspect stays the same and your savefiles will be available through gog galaxy (and therefor heroic on linux)

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    Einziger Haken: Deine eigens angefertigten posts und Kommentare bleiben auf dem .de account zurück. Ich habe in meinen accounts einfach Kreuzverweise zu dem jeweils anderen.

    Es weiß niemand wie lange die .de Instanz noch laufen wird, geschweige denn was passiert wenn wintermute (der einzige admin) aus der Versenkung auftaucht.