Thank you for the link. I’ve seen it posted a few days ago.
The caching proxy for this tutorial should easily work with any tile server, including self-hosted. However, I’m not sure what the benefits would be if you are already self-hosting a tile server.
Lastly, the self-hosting documentation for OpenFreeMap mentions a 300GB of storage + 4GB of RAM requirement just for serving the tiles, which is still more than I can spare
I did not expect such a detailed code review (the fact that you wrote it on mobile impresses me even more), but I strongly agree with everything you mentioned. I think I was so caught up learning GLSL and its quirks, then playing and experimenting with the simulation, that I “forgot” my coding standards. Anyway, I’ll make sure to take some time to update both the code and the article following your recommandations.
Thank you for the feedback. I had a lot of fun playing with the model (and still have some improvements on my mind that might require porting it outside of Shadertoy)
Is there any part that was especially hard to understand ? I’m trying to make it as clear as possible for developers without a scientific background.
I can recommend some stuff I’ve been using myself :
I design, deploy and maintain such infrastructures for my own customers, so feel free to DM me with more details about your business if you need help with this
I did not read the link, but two of my biggest concerns do not appear in the summary you provided :
(Edit: typo)
It’s a server that hosts map data for the whole world, and sends map fragments (tiles)as pictures for the coordinates and zoom levels that clients request from them
Are you talking about Nginx Plus ? It seems to be a commercial product built on top of Nginx
According to the Wikipedia article, “Nginx is free and open-source software, released under the terms of the 2-clause BSD license”
Do you have any source about it going proprietary ?
It’s still available in Debian’s default repositories, so it must still be open source (at least the version that’s packaged for Debian)
There have been some changes in a few recent releases related to the concerns I raised :
I really like the idea about grouped communities with deduplication
In my experience, OnlyOffice has the best compatibility with M$ Office. You should try it if you haven’t
It’s not that I don’t believe you, I was genuinely interested in knowing more. I don’t understand what’s so “precious” about a random stranger’s thought on the internet if it’s not backed up with any source.
Moreover, I did try searching around for this and could not find any result that seemed to answer my question.
Why do you trust NordVPN more than your ISP ? Is your ISP known to be especially bad ?
Can you give examples of countries where mainstream media is not owned by billionaires ?
2 years ago was already amazing for someone who tried to play CS 1.6 and trackmania using wine 18 years ago
Sur mon instance (dans l’appli et version web) ça n’a pas l’air filtré. Tu es sur que ça ne vient pas de ton instance ?
Ce n’est pas mon analyse, les blocs de citations que j’ai postés sont directement tirés de l’article (d’où mon autre commentaire qui dit que l’article est intéressant malgré le choix de son titre)
Merci pour la précision. L’article est pas inintéressant non plus. Je trouve juste dingue cette manière de titrer presque a contre courant du fond de l’article
I was exited to read about the recent surge of brute force attempts I received from IPs my fail2ban has not previously seen, but this is just a generic piece from 6 months ago :(