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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Long story short, he was always a slimy asshole, but here are some key points from wikipedia and just in regards to his mayoral position:

    • Hated the homeless and tried to have them “removed”(used cops to arrest them and shove them in overcrowded shetlers. A church ended up suing the city for their right to help homeless people)

    • “cracked down on crime”, by basically aggressively arresting people for minor crimes like jumping the turnstile.

    • Tried to stop multiple community service proogram for the mentally ill, elderly, day-care, etc.

    • Big fan of “eminent domain” to take buildings and give them to his sponsors.

    • Racist with multiple racist pollcies, many staffers and leaders left because of him.

    • He threaten funding for the Brooklyn Musem if they didn’t remove several pieces, specifically including one called “The Holy Virgin Mary” which was of a black person. Calling it a governement-supported attack on christianity and they had to sue the city.

    • Campaigned on fixing public schools, but cut $2bill of their budget and $4.7bill from the repairs budget

    • Two days after Columbine he said he wanted to “blow up” the Board of Education.

    • Wanted to imprison the teachers union president if they went into strike(their contract was up and the city hadn’t started any renegotiation)

    • Allegedly cheated on his wife with his spokeswoman

    • Tried to threaten Time Warner to have Fox on their cable network, and defended Murdoch when all the surveillance and bribery scandals came about

    • His administration lost 22 out of 26 civil liberty lawsuits against them, mostly for trying to stifle first amandment rights.

    • He wanted a deal with Virginia in which they had to take NYCs trash, in exchange for them being able to visit NYCs culture sites. He also tried to send it to New Jersey, and announced that wihtout actually talking to them first, at all. This all happened because he closed a landfill 20-30 years too early , because he didn’t like how it looked, so it had to be shipped out of town. Costing millions, causing even more pollution, etc.


    And much, much more.

  • Long story short, he was always a slimy asshole, but here are some key points from wikipedia and just in regards to his mayoral position:

    • Hated the homeless and tried to have them “removed”(used cops to arrest them and shove them in overcrowded shetlers. A church ended up suing the city for their right to help homeless people)

    • “cracked down on crime”, by basically aggressively arresting people for minor crimes like jumping the turnstile.

    • Tried to stop multiple community service proogram for the mentally ill, elderly, day-care, etc.

    • Big fan of “eminent domain” to take buildings and give them to his sponsors.

    • Racist with multiple racist pollcies, many staffers and leaders left because of him.

    • He threaten funding for the Brooklyn Musem if they didn’t remove several pieces, specifically including one called “The Holy Virgin Mary” which was of a black person. Calling it a governement-supported attack on christianity and they had to sue the city.

    • Campaigned on fixing public schools, but cut $2bill of their budget and $4.7bill from the repairs budget

    • Two days after Columbine he said he wanted to “blow up” the Board of Education.

    • Wanted to imprison the teachers union president if they went into strike(their contract was up and the city hadn’t started any renegotiation)

    • Allegedly cheated on his wife with his spokeswoman

    • Tried to threaten Time Warner to have Fox on their cable network, and defended Murdoch when all the surveillance and bribery scandals came about

    • His administration lost 22 out of 26 civil liberty lawsuits against them, mostly for trying to stifle first amandment rights.

    • He wanted a deal with Virginia in which they had to take NYCs trash, in exchange for them being able to visit NYCs culture sites. He also tried to send it to New Jersey, and announced that wihtout actually talking to them first, at all. This all happened because he closed a landfill 20-30 years too early , because he didn’t like how it looked, so it had to be shipped out of town. Costing millions, causing even more pollution, etc.


    And much, much more.

  • Raltoid@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml🙃😵💀
    1 year ago

    The point wasn’t to skip breakfast, it was that a big one isn’t necessary. Have a piece of toast, have a giant breakfast or none at all. It’s usually fine to follow your bodies need if you’re hungry or thirsty. It’s just that some people think it’s important to have a big breakfast, which is a untrue. A small refreshing or nurishing one is much better in many cases.

  • The bible has a bunch of different references to oil, as it was used a lamp fuel(and some rituals).

    This one refers to Revelation 6:6

    And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

    From KJ or this one from the NIV

    Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

    Referring to how the price of food would go up, but oil and alcohol would not.