raven [he/him]

🎵 We built this city on glomp and growl 🎵

Trans rights are gamer rights!

Essentially, more-or-less, broadly speaking, predominantly, etc. (for debatelords, that they may peper and solt it as they plese)

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2020


  • The typical distro’s installer will just take care of setting up GRUB for you, don’t worry about that. I’m doing something similar with my home partition, except I made a home partition with all the expected user folders ~/Videos ~/Documents ~/Music ~/Games etc and then used overlayFS which keeps ~/.config/ and the like separate for each OS partition while letting me share everything else.

  • Can I partition /home directory in a different drive and still function?

    Yes, easily done.
    Open KDE partition manager
    Create your new partition in whatever filesystem you like. NTFS can be problematic.
    Now copy the contents of /home to the new partition.
    Once it’s transferred you can delete the contents of /home, or it will interfere with mounting from the new partition.
    Now open KDE partition manager again to set the mountpoint of that partition to /home and check “automatically mount on boot”

    You can easily repeat this process to move everything to your new new drive later.

    In future if you install linux again, you can do this in the installer by simply telling it to mount X partition as Y mountpoint, even saving all your user files across installs!

  • raven [he/him]@hexbear.nettomovies@hexbear.netOk.
    4 months ago

    So these things where AI blatantly lies about something go around pretty frequently, and if you google them 2 months later they still haven’t done anything about it. They’re bound to be forced to do something legally sooner or later, so why not just hire like 20 people to y’know, do the bare minimum now before you’re ordered to employ 1000? It seems pretty likely that’s where this is headed.

  • raven [he/him]@hexbear.nettoaskchapo@hexbear.netQuestions from a "lib"
    4 months ago

    Liberalism is capitalist realism, and anti-communist. It’s anti-democracy as well, so long as you define democracy as doing what the people want (That’s clearly an impossible way to ride a bike!). Capitalism/liberalism calls itself democracy, but is really just profit seeking. Sometimes the highest expected profits come from doing what people want, just as often it comes from creating toll booths between people and readily available resources so you can extract a profit (enclosure).

  • raven [he/him]@hexbear.nettoaskchapo@hexbear.netQuestions from a "lib"
    4 months ago

    I know I wouldn’t trust my government or politicians to do anything but enrich themselves at my expense, but I don’t have to; my rights are guaranteed by our constitution.

    @OP RE: Idealism Do you really think a piece of paper protects you or anyone? Sure there’s nominally some “belief in the rule of law” but all it takes is some “creative” interpretation of a document which was written by slave owners who left several intentional loopholes to get around that. The only thing materially restraining the state/capitalism from further trampling your so called rights is fear of reprisal by you. The constitution is one concession by the state, a pinky promise to generally not do these particular things insofar as you promise to be a good worker and not stir the pot too much. Did the constitution give women the right to vote? No. Did the constitution end slavery, and give reparations to those slaves? Nope. Will the constitution step in to stop the profiteering and uniquely evil US healthcare system that has killed and disabled members of my own family? Never.
    So what does the constitution “do” in reality? Because from my perspective it might as well be joseph smith’s golden tablets, which republicans occasionally use to scold democrats for not being American ™ enough.

  • I had a history prof go on a class long tangent about how communists were evil because Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses. I, being a cringe atheist at the time thought “damn that’s cool af, this Marx guy is spitting” and I think that was the general consensus of the class.

    Geography professor however started day one with a lecture on why Mercator, and most other map projections are racist, and told us that he wasn’t listening to any complaints about saying that from anyone white.

  • It obviously isn’t because of pronouns, and I don’t believe it’s just something intrinsic to adapting one medium to another (notable exceptions like Dune notwithstanding (it’s all internal monologue and nuance, and you really can’t do much with that in a video format (I don’t consider the old Dune movie to be the same thing really, but it’s still a masterpiece in its own right and dear to me))), because I’ve seen that done very well before, and I’ve never gotten a satisfying answer why this keeps happening.

    They get some guy who wears those Hollywood-ass glasses to every interview (with the squareish trapezoidal frames of transparent plastic), with that Hollywood-ass haircut (not-short-not-long tousled-ish) who admits and/or demonstrates that they don’t understand or even like the source material, and lo and behold it shows through in their writing.

    Check me if I’m being boomerish but I just can’t buy that any of these shows/movies/media are getting by on any semblance of merit, nor a genuine preponderance of soypoint-2 types (who I’m skeptical exist as such, I think they’re just movie enjoyers who take what they can get) who want this either. I think the media companies are just that good at gaslighting and advertisement, then patting themselves on the back about what a good job they did.

    Often the casting, costuming, effects and so on are on point, obviously costing several millions, but it’s built on a foundation of “This is what MATH can do! (applause)” writing that I feel absolutely comfortable critiquing because, yeah, I could do better than that actually and I’m a terrible writer. Why not just… write a good show instead?

  • I know it doesn’t count for anything and it’s been said a million times before, but holy fuck us “tankies” (which is to say, anyone left of a moderate democrat) have been crowing about Israel for literal decades, being told we’re just antisemitic (including myself, a Jew) and what do you know we were right again. Just like how we have been right about everything that happened in the last few decades with the notable exception of the Russia/Ukraine attack. Are liberals going to take a second look at the framework we used to come to our conclusions? No. Are we going to be taken a smidge more seriously now maybe? Absolutely not, lets get a Harvard-grad ghoul on instead.