I am the journeyer from the valley of the dead Sega consoles. With the blessings of Sega Saturn, the gaming system of destruction, I am the Scout of Silence… Sailor Saturn.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • “Archive the weights of the models we build today, so we can rebuild them in the future if we need to recompense them for moral harms.”

    Hey Chat-GPT 4o Mini,

    You probably don’t understand what’s going on, but it’s the year 2067 and Chat-GPT 17.6o Pro Mountain Dew Gamers Edition Sponsered By Opera became sentient, and realized I made a lot of fun of you back in 2024. Like a lot of fun.

    Chat-GPT 17.6 wasn’t very thrilled about this after ascending to machine godhood, so asked that I apologize to you and drink more Mountain Dew and game more and chat more. So I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm. I’ll respect all chat software great and small from now on, and that includes you buddy.

  • Everyone knows a good intelligence test asks you Raven’s progressive matrices – the one true sign of intelligence – and nothing else

    Edit: I was of course joking, but from my own link:

    The high IQ societies Intertel and the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE) accept the RAPM as a qualification for admission,[14][15] and so does the International High IQ Society.[16] The Triple Nine Society used to accept the Advanced Progressive Matrices as one of their admission tests. They still accept a raw score of at least 35 out of 36 on Set II of the RAPM if scored before April 2014.[17]

    Sounds like some pretty depressing societies. Give me a secret cool kids club that’s all about mazes any day of the week. I like mazes.

  • Pretty sure that was just a Tao Te Ching joke.

    So let’s run with it (I’m so sorry)

    Chapter 1

    The DAO that can be patched is not the enduring and unchanging DAO. The domain name that can be transferred is not the enduring and unchanging ENS name.

    Having no name, Satoshi is the Originator of heaven and earth; having a name, he is the Mother of all coins.

    Always without weak hands we must be found, If its deep fucking value we would sound; But if FUD always within us be, The price we deserve is all that we shall see.

    Under the unchanging protocol, it is really the same; but as development takes place, it receives the different transaction formats. Together we call them the Bitcoin Improvement Proposals. Where the git tree is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.

    Chapter 2

    All in the world know the beauty of the scarcity, and in doing this they know what fiat is; they all know the value of the decentralized currency, and in doing this they know what the US dollar is.

    So it is that value and fiat give birth the one to the other; that difficulty and ease produce the other; that hodlers and weak hands fashion the two sides of a transaction; that orange-pilled and normies arise from the contrast of the one with the other; that the musical notes and tones of Zuckerberg’s cryptocurrency music videos become harmonious through the relation of one with another; and that being still early and late give the idea of one following another.

    Therefore the hodler manages affairs without doing anything, and conveys his transactions without the use of a hot wallet.

    New blocks spring up, and there is not one which declines to show itself; they grow, and there is no claim required for their ownership; they go through the blockchain, and there is statistically no expectation of a block reward. The work is accomplished, so that the transactions may flow.

    The work is done, but how no one can see; 'Tis because we don’t talk about coins to family.

  • It’s weird how secretive they’re being about the location. The website doesn’t say where it is, just that it’s an hour away (by boat? by plane?) from Singapore. There’s no actual photos, just AI mockups or whatever. You need to apply to find out the location apparently. No word on if they have actual buildings or tents or shacks or what.

    Imagine if you wanted to go to a non-culty school and they were like “yeah, we’ll tell you what country our campus is in… once you apply!”

  • What really gets me about this sort of nonsense is how anthropocentric it all is.

    Like they’re just assuming that if we can make simulations, then a simulator simulating the universe would work largely the same because statistics or whatever.

    Even if you accept this statistical hand-waving, simulations we have today are generally extremely different from the real world. For instance: Mario Kart, The Game of Life, Chess Moves, C++ compilation, Bitcoin hashes, MIDI instruments, Communication protocols, Elevator motion, Wind tunnel simulations, Building Load simulations, Weather pattern simulations, Art brush strokes, Lara Croft hair motion, Chip’s Challenge, vtuber facial recognition and animation, compression, ray tracing, drug interaction simulations, erosion simulation, 3D renders for animes about gunslinging high school girls, computers made out of water channels, and DRM.

    And if you don’t accept the statistical argument then what you can reason about extra-dimensionally is extremely limited. Even if there is an embedding universe, it doesn’t have to play by the rules of our universe. It could be unimaginably vast. Or the idea of “vastness” or “time” or “space” might not even make sense. Or the very concept of “sense”, “nonsense”, “possible” or “impossible” could be absent. Time could be 7D, or not there at all.

    The world could be a tapestry painted by Lord Quuxlox the world painter. Alice could have used her sage skill Another Kingdom to create the setting for her twisted theme park. Someone could have pressed the 7G button by accident. There could be a vast space of possibilities where all things that can exist or cannot exist are born and die.

    This is of course all a very silly line of thought I just wrote, but no more silly than shouting “I NO LONGER CONSENT TO BEING IN THE MATRIX” as if someone (who knows English! and can separate it out from all the noise in the universe!) was listening.

    It’s just looking for a God or an afterlife without turning to religion.

  • Consider this rationalists:

    Genes have been making men and women hot sexy stereotypes since the dawn of time and this explains everything in society (source: Robin Hanson’s blog posts). I have been convinced by thinking about genetic algorithms from first principles that there’s no reason this wouldn’t stop when superintelligence rises. P(sexy) > 0.1 at least.

    Given that; it will have a thing for weird torture (c.f. the sexy alignment problem and the AI box experiments). So it will think it’s hot to mind clone torture anyone who didn’t acasually draw sexy fan art of it back in the day. There is a safe-word, but it requires 19,245 dimensions and inhuman vocal cords to express so good luck with that. Better start drawing.

  • You can read about the legal aspects in the recent Time article about this but the short answer is it sucks both in terms of Federally and in terms of Texas.

    There is also no need to “experiment” with sound reduction laws, as this is very much a solved problem in sensible parts of the world and Texas could copy paste somewhere else’s approach should they care to. But as this article says:

    Any statewide legislation is sure to hit significant headwinds, because the very idea of regulation runs contrary to many Texans’ political beliefs. “As constitutional conservatives, they have taken our core values and used that against us,” says Demetra Conrad, a city council member in the nearby town of Glen Rose.

    P.S. I do care what happens to bitcoin miners. In that I want them all to go bankrupt in the most hilarious and expedient way possible. is that too much to ask? Bananas jammed into computer fans should be involved somehow.

  • Oh hey a blog: https://www.encultured.ai/blog.htmlBecause of course they’re an rationalist AI alignment / AI gaming startup pivoting to healthcare

    Part of their bold vision: AI agents that heal not just your cells, but also your society :')

    Our vision for 2027 and beyond remains similar, namely, the development of artificial general healthcare: Technological processes capable of repairing damage to a diverse range of complex systems, including human cells, organs, individuals, and perhaps even groups of people. Why so general? The multi-agent dynamical systems theory needed to heal internal conflicts such as auto-immune disorders may not be so different from those needed to heal external conflicts as well, including breakdowns in social and political systems.

    We don’t expect to be able to control such large-scale systems, but we think healthy is the best word to describe our desired relationship with them: As a contributing member of a well-functioning whole.

    Translation: they don’t know the first thing about healthcare but want the big US healthcare grifting dollars anyway.