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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • No, no, I’ve never said that. I am myself highly worried about many countries going further and further right.

    I just thought that maybe there is a either European or international law that prohibits hindering people that help dying people. I’m pretty sure that there used to be a naval code, that sailors must help sailors.

    I am not so crazy to think that it would have a high impact, but maybe Europe could threaten cutting financial aid or whatever.

    But I see your point. With many countries going racist and with even a European border militia (Frontex), it’s probably only in the interest of Europe to look away.

  • Dass die Welt vom Axel Springer Verlag nicht neutral berichtet ist mir nicht neu. Da sind schon einige Dinge daneben in diesem Artikel!

    Das Titel Bild ist natürlich auch top, da wird irgendein Nazi im Verlag gedacht haben, dass er besonders geschickt ist.

    Der Anfang ist auch witzig:

    Der erste ernstzunehmende Krieg des Jahrtausends wird weder durch Sanktionen noch mit Drohnen und Raketen entschieden.

    Und später wieder:

    Der erste ernstzunehmende Krieg des dritten Jahrtausends muss also am Boden ausgetragen werden

    Afghanistan, Irak, Bürgerkriege in Syrien und Jemen, Rohingya und etliche weitere Kriege sind oder waren wohl alle nicht ernst zu nehmen!

    Solche Angriffe auf städtische Ziele führen unweigerlich zu einem Medienecho von der Stärke eines Blitzkriegs.

    Da haben wir aber eine schöne Nazi Anlehnung gefunden.

    Bedauerlich war auch, dass die Ukrainer den Kampfwert der riesigen, 66 Tonnen schweren Leopard-Panzer, die sie von den Deutschen erbeten, ja erbettelt und schließlich praktisch eingefordert hatten, stark überschätzt hatten.

    Was soll dieser Satz? Zeigen, dass die Ukrainer unfähig sind? Dass Deutsche zu weich sind? Ich weiß es nicht, aber ich finde die Formulierung sehr seltsam.

    Es gibt also nur einen Weg nach vorn: den Krieg ernsthaft so zu führen, wie es sich für einen nationalen Befreiungskampf gehört.

    Mussten die Soldaten, die bisher ihr Leben an der Front ließen sterben, weil sie den Krieg nicht ernst genug genommen haben? Der Autor scheint überhaupt zu wissen, welche Dinge ernstzunehmend sind und welche nicht.

    Man, man, man! Immerhin hat man gleich einmal präventiv hinzugefügt, dass der Autor jüdische Eltern hat. Da kann also gar nichts Rechtes im Artikel sein!

    Was für ein dämlicher Artikel!

  • Thank you! If you have specific questions, feel free to ask them. If I can’t answer, maybe somebody else can. I read a lot about these things, but I am no scientist or expert.

    If you want to take an advise: try to ask differently. Maybe it takes more than a single sentence, maybe admit like “I don’t understand XY, can someone explain…” or something alike.

    Your initial post and the second showed that you don’t know but at the same time sounded like you were having doubt in science or didn’t take it seriously. As there are plenty of people who doubt science but at the same time are not open to discussion, you might get down votes instead of answers.

  • Hey, I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not, but try to help in case you really seek answers to your questions:

    1880 was much cooler than today, globally about 1°C cooler. You’ll find plenty of graphs showing the history of global temperatures online and animated videos on YouTube.

    There have been times, where Earth has been hotter than today. We know quite a lot about Earth’s history, it’s astonishing. However, the big problem we are facing today isn’t the temperature itself, but the speed of the change happening. When climate changes naturally it takes thousands of years. This allows for many plants and animals to adapt and migrate, not all though. Some are always left behind in this circle of life.

    Today’s temperature change appears to be faster than anything we see in history, posing the worry that a lot of life forms will not be able to adapt in time. If I recall correctly, today’s atmosphere is changing about 200 times faster than it did during the most severe mass extinctions in history we know about and animals go extinct about 1000 times faster than they should in a world without humans.

    In today’s articles you often see “since 1880”. There is older temperature data, both from thermometers as also from other more abstract sources, as for example air bubbles trapped in ice cores give an atmosphere reading of a time long ago etc. However, older measurements are highly localized and don’t cover enough places of earth to get a reliable reading of global average temperatures.

    It is also possible, that we will see this “measuring starting point” 1880 go back to earlier decades in future, as there are still tons of records that aren’t evaluated yet. One example would be the detailed sailing ship logs of previous centuries that cover wide areas of Earth.

  • Man, you are so right. The weirdest part is, that your behavior isn’t even socially very accepted.

    I, too, love engines. I admire the technology and how genius they are put together. My dream is to own a cruiser motorbike and go drive through the countryside. I don’t think this will happen, as I would hate myself to burn fuel for pleasure.

    I own a very old, tiny scooter, that I only use to carry heavy stuff. I used to carry on my shoulders, but mom in law felt sorry for me and gave me her oldest, broken, rusty scooter, that nobody used for months, because she bought a new one again. I repaired it. My wife gets upset, when I don’t drive her around. For example to the market 500 meters down the road to buy a can of soda or so. I only use it for hard work.

    People surrounding me think I don’t like progress. No, man, I would love to have a more convenient life! Driving to me is fun, I enjoy it! I just can’t stand myself to do something bad to environment for my pleasure, so I try not to. And people think I’m weird.

    I know people like you and me don’t even make a difference. Whatever amount we save and not emit in our whole lifetime - some ignorant wealthy will blow out within 5 minutes.

  • I’m not op, but just spend an hour on wiki again.

    For me it usually just happens randomly. Today it was because watching news which included the start of the last Ariane 5. I was mainly interested, how much “fuel” (propellant) is used and the relation between launch weight and payload weight. I quickly got distracted by rocket engines and read here and there.

    Then I am currently reading a book about WW2 u boats, so I’ve read the Wikipedia regarding that specific type of U-boat, the torpedos, the torpedo calculation computer, the lives of several commanders, …

    Recently my kid played with clay, so I got to read a little about the process of firing clay, basically wanting to know if I can diy it.

    Normally the things I want to know more about just fly in by themselves.