• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • No, it’s not. You’re not an enlightened tolerant and rational human being by claiming both sides are equally at fault.

    Just one example: I’d agree with you, if both sides would make equally as many false claims. But that’s not the case..

    It’s not “Only your side is bad and my side is good”. There ARE liars on both sides. But that shouldn’t lead to the conclusion that both sides are telling equally as much lies.

    Why is that so important? Because you would totally miss out on the rhetorical tactics they use to push their agenda. Take Trump’s caravan, Hunter’s laptop, false election claims. All of them were lies, but had a massive impact. Show me equally as bad examples the Democrats use to push their narrative.

    Also, you can check, if you are open minded or not with the help of something called falsifiability. Ask yourself:

    1. What kind of proof would change my mind about this?
    2. Is there substantial proof?
    3. (Don’t) change your mind.

  • But drag queens are making your children gay! /s

    Honestly, we need more people and media who are able to visualize stuff like that. Especially the right loves to talk about, how sOcIaLiSm wants to pick your pocket and follows a communist agenda to benefit secret rich donators.

    If I was a rich business man in the US (Koch) who funds corporate friendly politics and talking points, I’d laugh my ass off, how effective manipulation of the masses works.

    Time for the good ol Lyndon B Johnson quote:

    If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.