Nice session report with Shadowdark. What’s your opinion on this game?

  • @RebelMage
    31 year ago

    Are percentage-based skills hard to understand? I’ve played a bunch of BRP stuff (Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green), so it’s basically second nature to me.

    Though maybe it’s because you’re mixing d100 and d20 at that point…

    • Brandoff
      41 year ago

      Yup, unified resolution mechanics tend to be easier for new players to grasp. (I suppose a good comparison would be if Call of Cthulhu had you bust out a d20 to resolve breaking and entering.)

      Shadowdark (like White Box: FMAG) replaced the d100 thief skills table with a simple, “Roll advantage on Thief type ability checks.” It’s a personal preference thing, but I like it.