An Alabama inmate would be the test subject for the “experimental” execution method of nitrogen hypoxia, his lawyers argued, as they asked judges to deny the state’s request to carry out his death sentence using the new method.

In a Friday court filing, attorneys for Kenneth Eugene Smith asked the Alabama Supreme Court to reject the state attorney general’s request to set an execution date for Smith using the proposed new execution method. Nitrogen gas is authorized as an execution method in three states but it has never been used to put an inmate to death.

Smith’s attorneys argued the state has disclosed little information about how nitrogen executions would work, releasing only a redacted copy of the proposed protocol.

  • deft
    1 year ago

    This comment was funny but your argument with this guy became kinda dumb.

    This dude forfeited his life for crimes he absolutely unequivocally committed. How he is killed, he has no right to decide. We the people do. Original commenter dude has a rough take but it isn’t that cruel, fuck murderers they’re fortunate we the people dislike violence and actively seek humane executions.

      1 year ago

      But the US justice system has proven time and again that it is not to be trusted with killing prisoners.

      We have literally thousands of examples of innocent people being killed due to faults in our justice system; how many innocent people are acceptable to kill to keep this failure of an institution standing?

      Life in prison is both less expensive and leaves the situation open to remuneration in the case of wrongful conviction.

      • deft
        1 year ago

        Don’t disagree but does feel like a moment to point out America’s war crimes and what we’ve done to the world. This isn’t a wrongful killing and this isn’t generations of cancer and trauma and ruined societies because of our country.

        This particular person right here is guilty though and in this one instance, fuck him. Fuck this guy. He is not part of our society, he’s not our friend or an ally or even deserving of humanity we treat one another with for how he treated one of us. It is decided he will experience the first version of this method of removal. He has no right to decide how, that is forfeit for him and allowing him to have that is injustice to the people he’s harmed.

        And homie above saying fuck it shoot him was bad taste but jeez it is a tasteless comment at best.

          1 year ago

          I won’t lose sleep over a real murderer being killed.

          My issue is the systemic failure of our justice system, not a guilty individual losing their life. So I’ll ask again: how many innocent people is it worth sacrificing to get the ones who really have it coming, and why?

          We know that innocent people will be killed via capital punishment. Why is the institution worth keeping when life in prison is cheaper and allows for remuneration when the justice system inevitably gets one wrong?

            1 year ago

            Well, it’s not like we should treat 20 years in prison less lightly. And we certainly do.

          1 year ago

          Because unironically, shooting him in the head would be infinitely cheaper, infinitely quicker, and infinitely more fun for the executioner than any other method save for hanging (except for the quicker part).

          It’s also painless, the most expensive cost would be hiring someone to clean up afterwards.

          Something else you have to keep in mind with people like this, we do not ask to be born into society, or as humans. Most of us enjoy who we are and love being a part of society for the most part, but killers often time do not feel human, they feel like it is the world and themselves, separate not the same. Whatever the case may be that causes this, including a condition or mental illness.

          Yes, what has to be done must be done, but you should understand that it is not something that is done or should be done out of some kind of revenge hate fetish, it is something that is done to remove those people from our society because they are unfortunately too dangerous to be left alive, too dangerous to live even in a standard prison.

          Once you start adding hate, anger, revenge, etc to the mix, you might as well just start throwing the zyklon b and burn pits in too, because that’s what a society that kills with hatred does. Unless that person has specifically done something to you, your family, or your friends, you should harbor no hatred for them, only sympathy.

      1 year ago

      People don’t forfeit their lives. Ever.

      I don’t care what Paul of Tarsus laid as a grounding of Western philosophic thought.

      Not the person he killed. Not him.
      Him doing something he had no right to does not give anyone else right to the same immoral act.
      The State has no moral right to take the life of anyone surrendered.

      Never should cooperating with a just moral authority get you killed by that authority.

      • deft
        1 year ago

        Disagree. I don’t care what you say. For a healthy society people who act like this aren’t needed and we do not have a wasteland we can chuck them into. That’s that.

        Cue slippery slope fallacy ignoring the entire point of law

          1 year ago

          No, that is monstrous and you should amend your opinion. A just society does not put people to death.

          The point of law is to ensure harmonious co-existence and it cannot carry out that function while engaging in the polar moral opposite of killing the captured.

          Once someone has the arbitrary ability to end a person’s life at will they are morally enjoined from doing so.

          Just moral authority cannot be exercised while engaging in immoral acts.

          • deft
            1 year ago

            No I shouldn’t. This soft mindset is part of why we have such a terrible society. People allow things to just be awful there is no fight we become locked in bureaucratic whatif philosophical nonsense

            This man killed someone. People who kill people for money like this are literally worthless and I do not believe this Christian redemption shit. Do bad, you are bad.

            Being imprisoned or “captured” as you put it is literally pointless. Why hold this person? So they can wallow and guilt others? No, get out of here you are done.

            I would agree with you but I know for a fact you do not treat all life this fairly because nobody does.

            Why should a terrible person be granted more kindness than rats, roaches or pigs simply trying to exist? He shouldn’t. We kill everything with less thought than this actual living breathing harmful to society person.

            Get off your moral high horse join reality a little. The world isn’t all theoretical.

              1 year ago

              Why should you do something immoral? Strap a person down and end their existence, removing any possibility of redemption or change.

              How does creating a corpse in any way benefit society, and why are you so full of vengeance and rage?

              You’re frothing at the mouth here, my guy.

              I’m not a christian.
              One needn’t be to figure out killing people it wrong; I thought its being wrong was part of the logic by which you tried to condemn this man.

              If it is wrong, Just Authority should not do it.
              Authority sans justice is mere power, and unjust power is rightly opposed and overthrown.

              You cannot have a stable society where The State murders people.

              • deft
                1 year ago

                No vengeance or rage. Stop projecting nonsense. Redemption isn’t real, you don’t redeem yourself after harming someone so greatly and it is beyond disgusting you think an innocent is so worthless we can kill them and forgive the one who harmed them. Fuckin nonsense.

                You’re just wrong. Some people got to die. No anger or hate about it they forfeited their right to enjoy our society. They do not get our food, they do not get water. They have no freedom not even that of thought. I do not wish some murderer to enjoy reading a book or get to see the sun rise.

                You absolutely can have a stable society where the state murders people. They do it all the time. The problem is unjust murders.

                Nazis should die. Rapists should die. Child rapists should die twice. People who condone genocide should die. Murders should die.

                There is no irony in me wishing for these people to not exist. I do not do that shit, normal people don’t do that shit. Trauma begets trauma so let’s cut these cancerous fucks out of society. Fuck off with your Christian redemption. It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian or not, that belief stems from Christianity. Redemption is not a thing, especially not a thing humans are allowed to decide.

                  1 year ago

                  Where the hell are you getting “Some people need to die”?

                  No they don’t.

                  I’m not a christian. Stop using a rejection of christianity as though it means anything when it comes asserting killing people is wrong.

                  You seem to agree people shouldn’t kill people, and you don’t appear to be christian, so clearly there is a non-christian source for that presumption.

                  • deft
                    1 year ago

                    The idea of Redemption is Christian. Once you realize all you’re doing is feeding someone who brought serious harm on another and there is no redemption bullshit you see it is wrong.

                    People knew murder was wrong before Christianity.

                    Bad people don’t deserve to share the world with us