• @deft
    89 months ago

    Removed by mod

    • queermunist she/her
      9 months ago

      Without violence, Israel’s genocide would march forward unimpeded. Is that what you want? Do you want every Palestinian dead?

      Violence is their only choice. That’s sad and terrible, but we shouldn’t condemn resistance fighters for fighting back against occupation and settlement the only way they can.

      I bet you support Ukraine. What’s the difference between Russia seizing Crimea and the Donbass, and Israel seizing more and more land over the past 70 years? Do an occupied people not have a right to defend themselves?

      • @deft
        69 months ago

        Nice bullshit scenario.

        “One side has to kill the other there is no alternative, nothing else can be done” - you, a moron.

        She’s advocating for less violence. Period fullstop and she always does. Makes sense.

        Palestinians responding with violence makes sense.

        I do support Ukraine but Ukraine did not invade a Russian place and attack citizens and innocents and defenseless people. So these are not the same.

        This whole situation is fucked but you’re not gonna play this fucking game and pull it apart in one side or the other, you qre the problem. I support the innocent people. Fuck Israel’s current regime, fuck people who shoot other people. Fuck rapists.

        What the fuck are you actually talking about honestly?

        • queermunist she/her
          09 months ago

          “One side has to kill the other there is no alternative, nothing else can be done” - you, a moron.

          Israel could end it’s occupation any time it wants.

          Palestine has no choice. What the fuck else can they do?

          I do support Ukraine but Ukraine did not invade a Russian place and attack citizens and innocents and defenseless people. So these are not the same.

          The conflict didn’t start just a few days ago! The occupation has been ongoing for decades! Settlers are invaders, Israel invaded first and this is retaliation.

          • @deft
            -39 months ago

            Israel could end it’s occupation any time it wants.


            Palestine has no choice. What the fuck else can they do?

            I don’t know but this isn’t it. What happened here was foreign intervention pushing for aggression and Hamas using the pain of widows and orphans to fuel violence.

            They don’t win this way though. This is not the solution this was a bad idea.

            • queermunist she/her
              9 months ago

              I don’t know

              Then shut up maybe?

              Sorry. It’s just, this is the only choice. They don’t know what else to do either. There is no other recourse. Death now or death later.

              They don’t win this way though. This is not the solution this was a bad idea.

              This I agree with. I think this ends in genocide.

              Thing is? The only choices were to die on their feet or on their knees. They chose the human option. It’s terrible, but I can’t condemn them.

              Spitting in your captor’s eye and getting killed for it is only human, no matter how much Israel calls them animals.

              • @deft
                09 months ago

                Removed by mod

                • @wildbus8979@sh.itjust.works
                  39 months ago

                  Literally any actions the Palestinians take unleashes more violence from Israel. Protest? Violent repetition, midnight kidnapping, no charge detentions, etc. There’s nothing they can do that the regime will not use as an excuse.

                • mrnotoriousman
                  09 months ago

                  Just ignore the tankies man. They are basically just trolls who come into every thread spewing nonsense and act enlightened while parroting lines from the Kremlin

                • queermunist she/her
                  -39 months ago

                  America needed a civil war to end slavery.

                  Peaceful protest only works when they see you as human, it doesn’t work for people dehumanized as animals.

      • donuts
        9 months ago

        I’m Irish, and I can tell you that my people fought a violent and bloody revolution against the strongest empire in the world, and they did so without going on a rampage of indiscriminately killing innocent civilians, women, children and family pets.

        You can support rights and sovereignty for Palestine without justifying the evil terrorists actions of Hamas over the weekend. If anything Hamas has now done more damage to the Palestinian cause than anything in history.

          • donuts
            19 months ago

            Did I say that? Or do you simply not understand the definition of the words “indiscriminately” and “rampage”?

            • queermunist she/her
              29 months ago

              Yes, I understand that you’re dehumanizing Hamas.

              Brits described the Irish the exact same way. Like animals.

              • donuts
                9 months ago

                I’m dehumanizing how? By plainly and literally describing what over the weekend happened in an objective fashion?

                indiscriminate (adj) - done at random or without careful judgment.

                rampage (n) - violent or excited behavior that is reckless, uncontrolled, or destructive.

                You clearly don’t have a leg to stand on here. Time to move on, go talk into a shoebox or something.

                • queermunist she/her
                  9 months ago

                  It wasn’t random and it wasn’t without careful judgement and it wasn’t uncontrolled. They aren’t rampaging beasts. This was calculated.

          • donuts
            9 months ago

            Did you read the page you listed? Do you understand the history you’re citing? Do you understand how these IRA bombings were completely different than the rampage Hamas did over the weekend?

            The answer to all of those questions is a resounding “no”.

            5 August 1969 - RTÉ Studio bombing: The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) detonated a bomb at Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ) headquarters in Donnybrook, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, causing significant damage.[2]

            In your first shitty example, the British loyalist UVF from Northern Ireland bombed an Irish radio station. Nobody was injured.

            11 August – 1970 Crossmaglen bombing: Two Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) officers were killed by a booby-trap car bomb exploded in Crossmaglen, County Armagh. They were the first RUC victims of the IRA.[3]

            In your next bad example, the IRA bombed the northern Irish “police”, who were literally an active part in the oppression campaign and should not be considered innocent civilians.

            I mean, should I go on?

            The IRA unfortunately did kill innocent people and even children at points during the troubles, but they never did so intentionally or indiscriminately going on a rampage like we just saw Hamas do. As bad as the war and the troubles were the IRA never did anything even remotely analogous to what Hamas just did. What’s more, the British occupation killed far more Irish than the Irish ever killed Brits, fyi.

            You should learn about history before you try to cite it, especially as a justification for today’s atrocities.

      • SlowNPC
        -39 months ago

        Ukraine is attacking military targets. That’s the big difference here.

        • queermunist she/her
          29 months ago

          Ukraine also has an endless supply of Western aid. This is what resistance looks like without it.

          • @deft
            -19 months ago

            Nah move the goal post further.

            What you’re seeing is trauma being radicalized into violence. This attack likely was supported by foreign aid likely Iranian maybe further.

            So this is actually what resistance looks like with foreign aid.

            • queermunist she/her
              9 months ago

              Okay, I’ll clarify myself.

              This is what resistance looks like without unlimited foreign aid.