The Republican leader told POLITICO that his critics “had their shot” already. But conservatives are not done whacking him over the immigration-for-Ukraine aid implosion.

    475 months ago

    It baffles me how people see what happens among the Republican lawmakers and say, “yeah, that’s the kind of leadership I want to make my country great.” I mean, if you don’t agree with Democrats then don’t vote for them. But why keep voting for the same people who year after year show they have no interest in governing?

      265 months ago

      GOP voters have turned over the last two decades from a traditional type of elector, who casts votes and lends political power to a candidate for something. The average GOP voter in 2024 is voting against something. These things they oppose are often imagined or maliciously designed and when real, are almost always dishonestly portrayed in scale and scope.

    • Fear. Of everything. Of America not being how it was when they were growing up. Conservative media have to constantly keep them terrified of imaginary shit so they’ll vote for the person who can “fix” it.

      You think they take 5 minutes to wonder why the “caravan” appears like clockwork right around election time every few years and then disappears like magic?


        95 months ago

        The best time to have lived in America was in the 50s as a white property owning man. Republicans fantasize over that period and want to regress us to get that back.

    • SuperDuper
      95 months ago

      The insane thing to me is how people are so willing to look past the open hostility towards democracy. It’s crazy that people see the insurrection, the false electors plot, the refusal to certify the election, etc and just say “yeah but I prefer their tax policies.”