It’s amazing to me that libs have deified this woman, like she has proven to be the very model of smart leadership. That she was the most qualified, deserving person to ever run for president. A quick recap of how she got where she did.

She is famous for being married to Bill Clinton. That’s it, that’s her origin story. Married to a president. Just hitched her wagon to the right person. She tried to make a name for herself by making healthcare her issue, but she got criticized pretty hard in the media because spouses of the president are supposed to make some uncontroversial issue their cause (probably some degree of sexism there but then again I’m sure most people don’t want to hear from Kamala’s dopey ass husband).

From there she was able to leverage her fame to be anointed to one of NY’s senate seats. It wasn’t a challenging contest, the Clinton connections in the party is what got her the spot.

But senators don’t have to actually lead or do things, they just vote. So that’s all she did until she ran for president in 2008 and ate shit. She got to be SoS because Obama probably didn’t feel he had any choice. This was Clinton’s first job with real responsibility, and she fucked it royally (Libya was the big one but there were others I’m sure). Then she lost another election because who could know that swing states are important to win, and had been wandering around that woods in her neighborhood ever since. Except when she surfaces in order to go on TV and suggest that anyone who spreds “Russian disinformation” should be locked up.

This is not a person who has proven to be competent at anytjing. I firmly believe that no American president or presidential candidate from the last few decades who make it past like, local village leadership in the CPC. That’s a system where you actually do have to prove your capability and get things done.

I hope a thousand years from now, when people talk about the fall of the American empire like we talk about Rome, when they get to the chapter on incompetent leadership I do hope that Hillary Clinton gets a mention.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2 days ago

    She’s a really bizarre person in general. Off-putting. Insincere. The right wing is notorious for their projection but it’s a trait all liberals possess and that includes the “left” wing “Democratic Party” liberals as well. They projected onto Hillary and acted like deep down she had some sort of mundane normalcy within her, like imagining she wakes up and makes a slice of toast for breakfast just like they do. But that isn’t who she is and regular people could see that. They could see the mask. It’s an instinctual feeling. Like picking up an empty box that’s labeled “full” and still being compelled to give it a shake. Like dropping a stone down a well and never hearing a splash. Something just felt “off.” She pushed her authentic self so far down it fell out the bottom. Like an identity thief who forgot her real name. A highly curated life stacked together so she could become a thing that she never got to be.