I’ve just seen a tweet about an IOF soldier harassing a person (family?) and telling them that this is his land, and before I could see more it just removed it right in front of me, and this isn’t the first time an anti-Israel tweet has been removed from my home page right in front of me.
I know it also removes tweets I may not be interested in (no idea how it gauges that to be honest), but considering I check on anti-Israel content all the time, this absolutely would not fall under that; additionally people I’m actually FOLLOWING have their tweets disappear from my home page; why are people I’m FOLLOWING having their content be hidden from me?!
All social media in the US is controlled by the CIA and state department
Is there evidence for this? Because I’m inclined to believe it. I joined tiktok when they first threatened to ban it, and saw so much Palestinian content that I really have to assume that it’s being actively blocked on other platforms.
Plenty. From Snowden, to the history of the people working at these social media companies.
It’s Operation Mockingbird for the digital age.